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The Movie Mr and Mrs Smith.

Mr and Mrs Smith is a movie North American that sterred by Brad Pitty and Angelina Julie. In the film both are husband and wife. At first both was only unknown that then over meet in a Hotel and thereafter both started go out and started take feelings one for the other. Then this they marriage and go past 6 years and they was liveing together. But they had a secret that no one from other know. The both were spy and with this were pass 2 mission and in the 3 mission both receive the same mission. When were came in the place the both if look and trying kill each other and after this they were started encounter one for the other. And in the end they over got together for detain the villains that was try kill them.



The Movie Mr and Mrs Smith.
Mr and Mrs Smith is a movie North American that sterred movie starred by Brad Pitty and Angelina Julie. In the film , both are husband and wife. At first From the beginning, both was only unknown that then over meet did not know each other. They met in a Hotel hotel and thereafter both started go going out and started take developing feelings one for the each other. Then this Later, they marriage got married and go past 6 years and they was liveing together lived together for more than six years . But they had a secret that no one from other know else knew . The They both were spy and with this were pass 2 mission and in the 3 mission spies who had been assigned two different missions. It so happened that both receive were given the same mission . When were came in the place the both if look and trying their third assignments: They were each tasked unknowingly to kill each other and after this they were started encounter one for . Eventually, the other. And in two learned the end they over got together for detain the villains that was try kill them intention of their employers and conceived a plan to take them down .