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Online shopping

Online shopping helps consumers save money. This is because shopping websites allow consumers to compare prices among all retailers within seconds, which means consumers can find the best available price of the product they are looking for. If shopping is done in-person, consumers are less likely to be able to compare prices across all stores due to time limitations and are more likely to be feel pressured by a salesperson into buying a product they don’t want. Therefore, online shopping can prevent consumers from paying more than necessary.



Online shopping
Online shopping helps consumers save money. This is because shopping websites allow consumers to compare prices among all retailers within seconds, which means consumers can allowing them to find the best available price of the product they are looking for. If shopping is done in-person, consumers are less likely to be able to compare prices across all stores due to time limitations , and are more likely to be feel pressured by a salesperson into buying a product they don’t want. Therefore, online shopping can prevent consumers from paying more than necessary.

