Write & Correct

What I'm holding on, and what I need to let go of.

Recently I've been devoting all my attention and focus to my education, hoping that it will pay off in the future. My life has been a mix of agitation and calmness, and I've been trying to balance it to keep me going forward. As I'm currently working from home, I can organize my time and switch tasks without diminishing my productivity. However, as a married man with a five-month-old baby, sometimes I find it hard to maintain my routine. Last week I planned a study routine for my mornings, but I couldn't keep it because the baby wanted to sleep. She's in a phase where she only falls asleep in our arms, and as my wife has housework to do, I'm responsible for holding her every morning. We tried to make the baby sleep in her crib, but every time we put her there she cries, and if we put her there when she's sleeping, she'll wake up and cry. Today I decided to stop procrastinating and start taking my studies more seriously, and the first thing I'll do is eliminate all my distractions. One of these days I checked my phone's statistics, and I freaked out when I saw that I spent eight hours watching short videos on Instagram and YouTube. Eight hours that I could have spent doing something meaningful, but instead I kept scrolling while watching stupid videos. From this day forward, I've been on alert to anything that might steal my time away from my purpose. My dream to learn English and become proficient in this language is big enough to give me the courage to change my lifestyle. I'm holding on to this dream of being fluent in English, and I can't let anything distract me from my goal. I always thought that I needed to let go of some habits that could hold me back, but I've never had the motivation to do it as I have now.
As I was saying, today I decided to allocate all my free time to my studies. Of course, I'll designate part of my time to share with my wife and baby. I'm aware that many parents would like to be present in their child's life, but for many reasons, they can't. I know that I need to give my best in my studies, but I won't distance myself from my family in the process.
I decided to change many bad habits that are preventing me from achieving success. My first goal is to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Regulating my sleep time will guarantee that I have enough sleep to meet my daily goals. Another important thing is not wasting time. There are many ways that one person can waste their time, and to be more aware of that I'll always make sure to ask myself, "Will this help me with my dreams?" If the answer is no, I'll stop doing it and find something else that I'm sure will help me in the long run.



What I'm holding on, and what I need to let go of.
Recently , I've been devoting all my attention and focus to my education, hoping that it will pay off in the future. My life has been a mix of agitation and calmness, and I've been trying to balance it to keep me going forward. As I'm currently working from home, I can organize my time and switch tasks without diminishing my productivity. However, as a married man with a five-month-old baby, sometimes I find it hard to maintain my routine. Last week , I planned a study routine for my mornings, but I couldn't keep it because the baby wanted to sleep. She's in a phase where she only falls asleep in our arms, and as my wife has housework to do, I'm responsible for holding her every morning. We tried to make the baby sleep in her crib, but every time we put her there she cries, and if we put her there when she's sleeping, she'll wake up and cry. Today , I decided to stop procrastinating and start taking my studies more seriously, and the first thing I'll do is eliminate all my distractions. One of these days I checked my phone's statistics, and I freaked out when I saw that I spent eight hours watching short videos on Instagram and YouTube. Eight hours that I could have spent doing something meaningful, but instead I kept scrolling while watching stupid videos. From this day forward, I've been on alert to anything that might steal my time away from my purpose. My dream to learn English and become proficient in this language is big enough to give me the courage to change my lifestyle. I'm holding on to this dream of being fluent in English, and I can't let anything distract me from my goal. I always thought that I needed to let go of some habits that could hold me back, but I've never had the motivation to do it as I have now.
As I was saying, today I decided to allocate all my free time to my studies. Of course, I'll designate part of my time to share with my wife and baby. I'm aware that many parents would like to be present in their child's life, but for many reasons, they can't. I know that I need to give my best in my studies, but I won't distance myself from my family in the process.
I decided to change many bad habits that are preventing me from achieving success. My first goal is to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Regulating my sleep time will guarantee that I have enough sleep to meet my daily goals. Another important thing is not wasting time. There are many ways that one person can waste their time, and to be more aware of that I'll always make sure to ask myself, "Will this help me with my dreams?" If the answer is no, I'll stop doing it and find something else that I'm sure will help me in the long run.
What I'm holding on to , and what I need to let go of.
Recently , I've been devoting all my attention and focus to my education, hoping that it will pay off in the future. My life has been a mix of agitation and calmness, and I've been trying to balance it to keep me going forward. As I'm currently working from home, I can organize my time and switch tasks without diminishing my productivity. However, as a married man with a five-month-old baby, sometimes I find it hard to maintain my routine. Last week I planned a study routine for my mornings, but I couldn't keep it because the baby wanted to sleep. She's in a phase where she only falls asleep in our arms, and as my wife has housework to do, I'm responsible for holding her every morning. We tried to make the baby sleep in her crib, but every time we put her there , she cries, and if we put her there when she's sleeping, she'll wake up and cry. Today I decided to stop procrastinating and start taking my studies more seriously, and the first thing I'll do is eliminate all my distractions. One of these days I checked my phone's statistics, and I freaked out when I saw that I spent eight hours watching short videos on Instagram and YouTube. Eight hours that I could have spent doing something meaningful, but instead I kept scrolling while watching stupid videos. From this day forward, I've been on alert to anything that might steal my time away from my purpose. My dream to learn English and become proficient in this language is big enough to give me the courage to change my lifestyle. I'm holding on to this dream of being fluent in English, and I can't let anything distract me from my goal. I 've always thought that I needed to let go of some habits that could hold me back, but I've never had the motivation to do it as I have now.
As I was saying,
today I decided to allocate all my free time to my studies today . Of course, I'll designate part of my time to share with my wife and baby. I'm aware that many parents would like to be present in their child's life, but for many reasons, they can't. I know that I need to give my best in my studies, but I won't distance myself from my family in the process.
I decided to change many bad habits that are preventing me from achieving success. My first goal is to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Regulating my sleep time will guarantee that I have enough sleep to meet my daily goals. Another important thing is not wasting time. There are many ways that one person can waste their time, and to be more aware of that I'll always make sure to ask myself, "Will this help me with my dreams?" If the answer is no, I'll stop doing it and find something else that I'm sure will help me in the long run.
What I'm holding on, and what I need to let go of.
Recently I've been devoting all my attention and focus to my education, hoping that it will pay off in the future. My life has been a mix of agitation and calmness, and I've been trying to balance it to keep me going forward. As I'm currently working from home, I can organize my time and switch tasks without diminishing my productivity. However, as a married man with a five-month-old baby, sometimes I find it hard to maintain my routine. Last week I planned a study routine for my mornings, but I couldn't keep it because the baby wanted to sleep. She 's in a phase where she can only falls fall asleep in our arms, and as my wife has housework to do, I'm responsible for holding her every morning. We tried to make the baby sleep in her crib, but every time we put her there , she cries, and if we put her there when she's sleeping, she'll wake up and cry. Today I decided to stop procrastinating and start taking my studies more seriously, and the first thing I'll do is eliminate all my distractions. One of these days day I checked my phone's statistics, and I freaked out when I saw that I spent eight hours watching short videos on Instagram and YouTube. Eight hours that I could have spent doing something meaningful, but instead I kept scrolling while watching stupid videos. From this day forward, I've been on alert to anything that might steal my time away from my purpose. My dream to learn English and become proficient in this language is big enough to give me the courage to change my lifestyle. I'm holding on to this dream of being fluent in English, and I can't let anything distract me from my goal. I always thought that I needed to let go of some habits that could hold me back, but I've never had the motivation to do it as I have now.
As I was saying, today I decided to allocate all my free time to my studies. Of course, I'll designate part of my time to share with my wife and baby. I'm aware that many parents would like to be present in their child's life, but for many reasons, they can't. I know that I need to give my best in my studies, but I won't distance myself from my family in the process.
I decided to change many bad habits that are preventing me from achieving success. My first goal is to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Regulating my sleep time will guarantee that I have enough sleep to meet my daily goals. Another important thing is not wasting time. There are many ways that one person can waste their time, and to be more aware of that I'll always make sure to ask myself, "Will this help me with my dreams?" If the answer is no, I'll stop doing it and find something else that I'm sure will help me in the long run.