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Tagalog Lite Appendix N - Terms and Abbreviations Unique to this Book

Term/AbbreviationDefinitioncomplementAn items that follows the verb in a standard sentence - an actor, object or X.contrastSignals learner to use naman.directional complementThe complement X which is a direction/goal in a sentence with a directional variant verb, for example, an AF(D) sentence.dpdemonstrative pronoundup1duplication of the first syllable of the root dup2duplication of the entire rootenclitic clusterA group of one or more enclitcs after a single host.excl.Exclusive - signals learner to use exclusive forms of we/us.focus noun clauseA structure of the form: focus + linker + noun clause.focus sensitive enclitic particlesEnclitic particles that do not apply to the focus of a standard sentence (e.g. din/rin, lang and naman(contrast)).focus variantDescribes what complements may be used with a given verb. It is called out in parentheses after the focus acronym. For example, AF(I) represents an intransitive variant of an AF verb.form patterna set way of mapping certain forms (ang/ng/sa) to the certain complement (actor/object/X)generic roota root without stress or glottal stopshostA word that an enclitic attaches itself after.hrhour of day, for example, alas-singko in Tagalog or “five” in Englishincl.Inclusive - signals learner to use inclusive forms of we/us.plpluralpppersonal pronounresp.Respectful - signals learner to use po and plural personal pronouns.softSoft - signals learner to use nga.standard sentenceA sentence of the form: verb + actor + object + Xstructure equationA sentence in large text, with an equal sign and abbreviations, that summarizes a grammar point.XOne of the complements in a standard sentence - an IO, cause, directional compliment, benefactor or reference.Table 14: Terms and Abbreviations Unique to this Book



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