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- Michael.D has just finished reading 일타스캔들, 최치열과 남행선에 대하여 | 이야기 설계도 ep01 (K-Drama analysis)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 일타스캔들, 최치열과 남행선에 대하여 | 이야기 설계도 ep01 (K-Drama analysis)
- Michael.D has shared the passage Naver's Today Korean 2020
- Michael.D has shared the passage Naver's Today Korean 2019 2 of 2
- Michael.D has shared the passage Naver's Today Korean 2019 1 of 2
- Michael.D has shared the passage Naver's Today Korean 2017 2018
- Michael.D has shared the passage Romance Is a Bonus Book E1 Episode 1
- Michael.D has shared the passage Avatar: The Last Airbender E1 The Boy in the Iceberg
- Michael.D has shared the passage Crash Landing on You E4 Episode 4
- Michael.D has just finished reading 당나귀와 메뚜기 - The Donkey and the grasshopper
- Michael.D has shared the passage 당나귀와 메뚜기 - The Donkey and the grasshopper
- Michael.D has shared the passage (CC:kr) 【한국어 말하기】 설날, 이렇게 보냈어요. 고 선생님의 연말 연시 How Korean spend Seollal ⎢real Korean speaking
- Michael.D has shared the passage Say Sue Me Korean Lyrics
- Michael.D has just finished reading 자우림 "스물다섯, 스물하나" 가사
- Michael.D has shared the passage 자우림 "스물다섯, 스물하나" 가사
- Michael.D has shared the passage Something in the Rain E1 Episode 1
- Michael.D has shared the passage Something in the Rain E2 Episode 2
- Michael.D has shared the passage Something in the Rain E3 Episode 3
- Michael.D has just finished reading Tayo s4e1
- Michael.D has shared the passage Tayo s4e1
- Michael.D has shared the passage 한국어 듣기 연습 Korean podcast : 호랑이 해? 호랑이 띠?
- Michael.D has just finished reading 한국어 듣기 연습 Korean podcast : 지금 우리 학교는
- Michael.D has shared the passage 한국어 듣기 연습 Korean podcast : 지금 우리 학교는
- Michael.D has just finished reading Korean listening practice 한국어 듣기 연습 : VLOG. hobby in COVID-19 Pendemic.
- Michael.D has shared the passage Korean listening practice 한국어 듣기 연습 : VLOG. hobby in COVID-19 Pendemic.
- Michael.D has shared the passage Tayo s4e2
- Michael.D wrote a reply to Known word count
- Michael.D created a new topic Known word count
- Michael.D has just finished reading 마법버스 타요 1화 모험의 시작 / 말괄량이 꼬마 마법사 루나 (Netflix)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 마법버스 타요 3화 마법 학생 경연대회1 / 마법 학생 경연대회2 (Netflix)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 마법버스 타요 5화 칼리와 디오의 비밀 / 최후의 결전 (Netflix)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 마법버스 타요 4화 다시 만난 꼬마버스들 / 위기의 마법 세계 (Netflix)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 마법버스 타요 3화 마법 학생 경연대회1 / 마법 학생 경연대회2 (Netflix)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 마법버스 타요 2화 타요와 루나의 첫 마법 수업 / 타요의 비행공포증 (Netflix)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 마법버스 타요 1화 모험의 시작 / 말괄량이 꼬마 마법사 루나 (Netflix)
- Michael.D has shared the passage Most Common Korean Verbs Alphebetically With Example Sentences
- Michael.D has shared the passage Basic Korean Adjectives with example sentences
- Michael.D has shared the passage 400 Verbs and Adjectives in Korean with a simple sentence.
- Michael.D has shared the passage Dream parcel service (꿈의 택배편)
- Michael.D has just finished reading 자우림(Jaurim) 위로 (가사 첨부)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 자우림(Jaurim) 위로 (가사 첨부)
- Michael.D has just finished reading 김윤아 봄이 오면 (Piano Ver) (가사 첨부)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 김윤아 봄이 오면 (Piano Ver) (가사 첨부)
- Michael.D has shared the passage 명상하는 방법. (How to meditate.)
- Michael.D has shared the passage Cinderella as oddly written by ChatGPT for learners.
- Michael.D has shared the passage Three ChatGPT Random Stories with TOPIK 1 Vocab
- Michael.D has just finished reading Basic Korean Grammar Sentence Examples
- Michael.D has shared the passage Beginner Store Dialogues and Stories by ChatGPT
- Michael.D has shared the passage Basic Korean Grammar Sentence Examples