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- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Así se grabó Metástasis
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Ser Latino en USA: Los Jóvenes
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage A visit to the doctor.
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Do French People Use AI? | Easy French 199
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage 8 March Italian for Beginners
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage 7 March Italian for Baby learners 2. Simple sentences
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage 3 March 2024 Italian for baby beginners
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage 4 Mar Spanish Chat
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage 2 march 2024 Anais chat
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage French Home words for Beginners
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage French Common words for beginners.
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Simple Portuguese for baby learners 17 Jan 2024
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Italian: Lupi: «Noi astenuti per modificare il Mes. Spaccati? Maggioranza europeista e questo voto potrebbe essere utile»
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Italian: Elon Musk vuole portare Starlink in Italia, ma ci sono ostacoli
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Italian: Gli auguri della presidente del consiglio
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage italian: Mes, Forza Italia: «Nessun malumore dopo il no alla ratifica, tutto si risolverà»
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Spanish: Detienen a 300 pasajeros indios en un aeropuerto de Francia por pesquisa sobre tráfico humano.
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Spanish: La ley de migración en Francia: Macron someterá el texto al Constitucional para verificar sus puntos más polémicos
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Simple Portuguese for baby learners 20 December 2023
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Basic Swedish for New Learners part C. 29 November 2023
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Basic Swedish for New Learners part B. 3rd Nov 2023
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Basic Swedish for New Learners part A. 3rd Nov 2023
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage French Greetings for New learners 30 Oct
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage 60 French Greetings
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage French for beginners
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage German: What is this about?
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Italian 130 High Frequency verbs, adverbs, nouns, pronouns and prepositions that appear in 80% of Italian sentences
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Italian Sentences that contain frequently used words
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage I will teach you to speak Spanish with ready to use sentences 28 Oct
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage About 100 Spanish short phrases for Beginners to use today - to get started with simple conversations 28 October 2023
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage italian for beginners 8 ways to say you're welcome
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage German for beginners - a short list of words to get you started 23 Oct 2023
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Assimil German 1 line only in restaurant
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage German 2 sentences
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage German - only 1 sentence
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage 1 italian phrase
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Italian sentence for baby learners
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Italian sentence for baby learners
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Learn German: Dialogue at a Stationer's: Deutsch lernen: Dialog im Schreibwarenladen (shopping - au magasin)
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Beginner's German. No experience needed Course 1
- Adrian.Tien has shared the passage Spanish sentence