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Community Activities
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Saadgi To Hamari Zara Dekhiye | Team Sukhan | Jashn-e-Rekhta
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Kali Kali Zulfon Ke - Madhur Sharma | Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan | @PearlRecords
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading Part 6
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading Part 5
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading Part 4
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading Part 3
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading Part 2
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading Part 1
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Part 6
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Part 5
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Part 4
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Part 3
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Part 2
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Part 1
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage How to deal with disrespectful people online in हिंदीं - A Psychological Perspective
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage मैं अपने दिन की संरचना कैसे करती हूँ - Morning Routine - Hindi simple past tense
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Unforgettable Family Journey - हिंदी Past Tense
- Salina.Karks commented on Immersive's essay Mein Garten
- Salina.Karks corrected Immersive's essay Mein Garten
- Salina.Karks wrote an essay: Lily
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage यदि आप किसी महाशक्ति के स्वामी हो सकते हैं, तो वह क्या होगी?
- Salina.Karks wrote an essay: 1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
- Salina.Karks wrote an essay: भावात्मक बुद्धि
- Salina.Karks commented on Shweta.Sawant's correction for मेरी माताजी
- Salina.Karks wrote an essay: मेरी माताजी
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Shoecat Thoocat - शोचत थूचत
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading Mind Reading Machine - एक छोटी सी विज्ञान-कल्पित कहानी
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Mind Reading Machine - एक छोटी सी विज्ञान-कल्पित कहानी
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading समय यात्रा - Time Travel
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage क्यों मांस दुनिया में सबसे खराब चीज है
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading In Search of Stability - स्थिरता की तलाश
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Basic Arabic Phrases for Beginners: Getting Started in Arabic Language Learning
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Immunity increases due to repeated exposure to the same virus
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage क्या आप जलवायु परिवर्तन को रोक सकते हैं?
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Part 1 - The Daily Stoic Book Summary in Hindi By- Ryan Holiday | Face life Challenges
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage हमारे सौरमंडल का अद्भुत सफर | Interesting Journey of our solar system
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage अपना जीवन बदलें - एक बार में एक छोटा कदम
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage समय यात्रा - Time Travel
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Scientists in the Arctic engaged in preserving ice memory - आर्कटिक में वैज्ञानिक आइस मेमरी को संरक्षित करने में जुटे
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Strangers Unite to Rescue Woman Stuck in Hidden Ditch
- Salina.Karks has just finished reading Secret of Mind Reading in Vedas | How Babaji/Magician Read Mind? #hinduism
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage बिग बैंग से लेकर आज तक का सफर | Big Bang Theory explanation
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage This virus shouldn't exist (but it does) - यह वायरस मौजूद नहीं होना चाहिए (लेकिन यह मौजूद है)
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Avoid Abusing to Bring Positive Changes in Society - गाली देने से बचकर समाज में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन लाएँ
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage गुल्ली का गज़ब पिटारा translated by Mamta Naini, based on original story Gulli's Box of Things (English), written by Anupama Ajinkya Apte, illustrated by Anupama
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage मेरे प्रिय शिक्षक पर निबंध – My Favourite Teacher Essay in Hindi
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage In the world of whirlpools - भँवरों के संसार में
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage आप क्या हैं?
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage Importance of stability - स्थिरता की अहमियत
- Salina.Karks has shared the passage In Search of Stability - स्थिरता की तलाश