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Chinese student
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Germany Local Time: 10:54 PM
Community Activities
- Fa.Schmidt has just finished reading Ch5 - 课文 1 - 在小丽家
- Fa.Schmidt has just finished reading Ch4 - 课文 4 - 在饭馆
- Fa.Schmidt has just finished reading Ch4 - 课文 3 - 在超市门口
- Fa.Schmidt has just finished reading An E-mail 一封邮件
- Fa.Schmidt has just finished reading Auspicious numbers 吉祥的数字
- Fa.Schmidt has shared the passage Happy Chinese 快乐汉语 Ep001 with SRT subtitles
- Fa.Schmidt has just finished reading 第51集: 小学的生活 Life at Elementary School | intermediate Chinese podcast