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Taiwan Local Time: 5:21 PM
Studying Chinese since 2019, and slowly making my way towards reading fluency
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- rinske.Visser has just finished reading 序、重修姓氏、凡例/錢序
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 重修臺灣府志卷二
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一附考
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一形勝
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一附考
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一澎湖廳
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一淡水廳
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一彰化縣
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一諸羅縣
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一鳳山縣
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一臺灣縣
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一山川臺灣府
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一附考
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一建置
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一星野, 附考
- rinske.Visser has just finished reading 序、重修姓氏、凡例/立序
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 序、重修姓氏、凡例/錢序
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 序, 重修姓氏,凡例/金序
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 序、重修姓氏、凡例/立序
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 卷一疆域志
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 序, 重修姓氏,凡例/凡例
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 序, 重修姓氏,凡例/重修台灣縣姓氏
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 序, 重修姓氏,凡例/魯序
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 序, 重修姓氏,凡例/陳序
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 序, 重修姓氏,凡例/柁序
- rinske.Visser has just finished reading 高雄眷村活化「以住代護」釋出28戶 5/8起開放看屋
- rinske.Visser wrote a reply to Feedback Requested for New App
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 公孙龙子
- rinske.Visser has just finished reading Fabulae Faciles 002 - Jupiter saves his son
- rinske.Visser has just finished reading Fabulae Faciles 001
- rinske.Visser created a new topic "I know all remaining peach words" doesn't give points?
- rinske.Visser has just finished reading 想進博物館工作卻「不得其門而入」?──過來人分享 3 道最常見 Q&A
- rinske.Visser has just finished reading 荷西史料翻譯
- rinske.Visser created a new topic Playlist on android not working
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 明清時期的臺灣歷史文獻
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 2023故宮年度大展,攜手法國、荷蘭、日本大館開啟新視界:「無界之涯——從海出發探索16世紀東西文化交流」特展
- rinske.Visser wrote a reply to Youtube import problem
- rinske.Visser wrote a reply to Youtube import problem
- rinske.Visser wrote a reply to Youtube import problem
- rinske.Visser created a new topic Youtube import problem
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 斗栱 - Wikipedia
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 裱画第一步:第一裱/The first step of mounting ‖Chinese Painting (2021)
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 裱画第一步:第一裱/The first step of mounting ‖Chinese Painting (2021)
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage 裱画第一步:第一裱/The first step of mounting ‖Chinese Painting (2021)
- rinske.Visser has just finished reading Dialogue sur la Nature de la Réalité
- rinske.Visser has shared the passage CH01-1. 文化人類學:課程介紹 / 王梅霞