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Community Activities
- John.Cha has shared the passage 人口学专家:生育高成本致三孩政策难达成目标
- John.Cha has shared the passage 中国三孩政策到来 80后回忆:老妈与计生办斗智斗勇生下三姐妹
- John.Cha has shared the passage 中国放开三胎生育政策 应对人口老龄化
- John.Cha has shared the passage 中国公布人口普查结果:出生率下降,老龄化加剧
- John.Cha has shared the passage 探索建立独生子女父母养老服务政策
- John.Cha has just finished reading Iyagi 063: Indie Music in Korea - 한국의 인디 음악
- John.Cha has just finished reading "사랑이 왜 재야? 죄야!" 조용필 발음 퇴짜 놓은 이 사람이 쓴 '히트곡 뒷얘기'
- John.Cha has shared the passage "사랑이 왜 재야? 죄야!" 조용필 발음 퇴짜 놓은 이 사람이 쓴 '히트곡 뒷얘기'
- John.Cha has shared the passage 최호진 (Hojin Choi)
- John.Cha has just finished reading 结婚人数一旦跌破700万,人口问题,神仙难救
- John.Cha has shared the passage 结婚人数一旦跌破700万,人口问题,神仙难救
- John.Cha has just finished reading 최호진 (Hojin Choi)