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Lisbon, Portugal
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Lisbon, Portugal Local Time: 4:16 PM
Community Activities
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to How are you learning a new language and how long have it take?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to English in the USA
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to How many languages in the world do you know have gender neutral nouns
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to How committed are you with another culture while you study their language?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Idioms. How do you find them?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Top 10 most MISPRONOUNCED words MUST WATCH
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to What enhances our learning of foreign words?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Language power struggles
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to What's your favorite accent?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Do you think proper grammar is important?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Poll - Which skill is most important to you?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Are there any new language that were invented in the last 10 years?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Do you think proper grammar is important?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Which are or were the most confusing words you had to learn in a foreign language?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Slang words, what do you think about them?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Do only spoken language need to be given preferance in school or should sign language be made mandatory to learn.
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to What according to you is the most difficult language in the world to learn and why do you think so?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Does watching movies help?
- JoaoGrilo wrote a reply to Why do you want to learn other country's language?