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Rome, Italy Local Time: 2:29 PM
Community Activities
- nomadicvegan has just finished reading Questo dolce natalizio è l’emblema del capitalismo
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage Questo dolce natalizio è l’emblema del capitalismo
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የዱር ፍሬ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የቁንጫ ቆዳ መግፈፍ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ዝንጀሮ፣ ጅብና ተኩላ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ጦጣዎቹና ዝንጀሮዎቹ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ቀበሮና ዶሮ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የአውቶብሱ ጉዞ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ሲድሮምና እህቶቹ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ዘይ ተሃሰበና ንጉሱ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ጎበዟ ሴት
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ሞት አነሰው
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage በርበሬና ጨው
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የቄሱ ሚስትና ውሽማዋ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ቀበሮ፣ አባ ኮዳና፣ ጥንብ አንሳ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ሶስቱ አልተግባብቶዎች
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ጅብ፣ ቀበሮና ጦጣ 2
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ብልኋ እናትና ብልህ ሴት ልጇ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ያናፋው አህያ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage አርባዎቹ ውሾች
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ሰባት ቀንዶች ያሉት ሰው
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የአንዲት ሴት አስቸጋሪ ቡችላ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ቀበሮና ቁራ Tigray
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage በግና ፍየል
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage አንዲት ሴትና አያ ጅቦ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ሰውና እባብ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የመነኩሴው ምርቃት
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ትንሿ ወፍና ዝሆኑ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ሞኙ ሌባ ውሻ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ተገኘ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ጅብ፣ ቀበሮና ጦጣ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage እናት ቀበሮና አያ ጅቦ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ጦጣ፣ ዝንጀሮና አንበሳ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ዘጠኙ ወንድማማቾች
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ንጉሱና ለማኟ ሴት
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage አይጥና ጅግራ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ቀበሮና ቁራ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ተኩላ፣ቀበሮና ጥንቸል
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ንግስት ፉራ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የደግነት ጋሻ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ኪናማ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ንጉሱና ወፉ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage አህያ የበሉ መንገደኞች
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ፌንጣው
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ሁሉም ነገር ያልፋል
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ንጉሱና ሙዚቀኞቹ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ሰማዩ እየወደቀ ነው
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage ጎርፉና ሃይቁ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የአምላክ ፍትህ
- nomadicvegan has shared the passage የአምላክ ፍርድ