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Turkey Local Time: 1:47 AM
Community Activities
- elvin has shared the passage Frühstück in Berlin
- elvin has shared the passage Frankfurter Fenster
- elvin has shared the passage Gib niemals auf
- elvin has shared the passage Das Lächeln
- elvin has shared the passage Die kleine Narzisstin
- elvin has shared the passage Ein Arztbesuch in München
- elvin has shared the passage Ein wahrer Held
- elvin has shared the passage Julia rettet den Kindergarten
- elvin has shared the passage Der Taxifahrer
- elvin has shared the passage Du bist was du denkst
- elvin has shared the passage Eine Brücke des Friedens
- elvin has shared the passage Schalen aus Holz
- elvin has shared the passage Ein wahrer Freund
- elvin has shared the passage Der tote Samen
- elvin has shared the passage Der Mann und das Pferd