Write & Correct

Learning Spanish

Hola! Como estas? Mi llamo Edz.

More than a couple of months ago, I joined a number of language learning community sites and I was inpired to begin my journey in learning another language aside from my native, which is Filipino, and the universal English language. I was not able to pursue it when I was younger due to lack of resources and perhaps enough motivation. I really like to understand and know Spanish ever since. Maybe it's because I am fascinated by their words and the sounds they produce when they are spoken. It's kind of romantic for me.

Actually there are Filipinos, mostly our elders, who used Spanish words like their own. They had adopted them during the Spanish colonization here in our country years back, so I'm not really totally zero about the language. My grandfather used to say "por favor, gracias, dios mio, buenas dias" and so on. And "feliz navidad" and "noche buena" are very common phrases here during the Christmas season.

Being a mom of two, I'm glad and proud of my little development in the language using online resources only. At this moment, I am confident that I could introduce myself to a native and order "una taza cafe con leche" or " una vaso jugo" in a "restaurante" without being misinterpreted. I have this little notebook of mine where I jot down every Spanish word that I encounter in my learning. Every now and then I browse through it so that I'll be reminded of the words and their meanings. Sometimes I use some simple spanish words when conversing with my hubby and children. I hope my 2 year-old will not be confused with the words though. Surely when they are older, I will be teaching them whatever I learned in this undertaking.




Are you wanting corrections for your English here? That's what it means when you post an English essay.
Yes please. Want to improve my essay. Though this could also be posted somewhere in the logs.
ok. cool. just checking


Learning Spanish
Hola! Como estas? Mi Me llamo Edz.

More than a couple of months ago, I joined a number of language learning community sites and I was inpired to begin my journey in learning another language aside from my native, which is Filipino, and the universal English language. I was not able to pursue it when I was younger due to lack of resources and perhaps enough motivation. I really like to understand and know Spanish ever since. Maybe it's because I am fascinated by their words and the sounds they produce when they are spoken. It's kind of romantic for me.

Actually there are Filipinos, mostly our elders, who used Spanish words like their own. They had adopted them during the Spanish colonization here in our country years back, so I'm not really totally zero about the language. My grandfather used to say "por favor, gracias, dios mio, buenas dias" and so on. And "feliz navidad" and "noche buena" are very common phrases here during the Christmas season.

Being a mom of two, I'm glad and proud of my little development in the language using online resources only. At this moment, I am confident that I could introduce myself to a native and order "una taza cafe con leche" or " una vaso jugo" in a "restaurante" without being misinterpreted. I have this little notebook of mine where I jot down every Spanish word that I encounter in my learning. Every now and then I browse through it so that I'll be reminded of the words and their meanings. Sometimes I use some simple spanish words when conversing with my hubby and children. I hope my 2 year-old will not be confused with the words though. Surely when they are older, I will be teaching them whatever I learned in this undertaking.



If you feel like writing in Spanish I can read you and help you to get better and better!. "Mi" is a possessive adjective and "me" is a direct object pronoun. I'll dare to say (since I'm not an expert, just a native speaker) that you can use "me" to describe things that describe you (me llamo Jessica) or show how you feel in general (me duele la cabeza) or how you feel about something (me gusta el chocolate). "Mi" is more for things like "mi perro ladra" or "mi novio es abogado".
Gracias for the added information. I also appreciate your offer of help in my Spanish sentence construction. I'll try to post an essay in Spanish soon, please feel free to correct it.