Write & Correct

Productivity during carnival

The carnival was different this year in Rio de Janeiro. Government postponed street parades were to april, hoping that until there the omicron cases will be decreased.
In this quieter moment of city, I took advantage to correct and revise my PhD thesis for the qualification. I had a goal of qualify on february but I couldn't since I have been to busy at work. So, I adapted the goal to finish the corrections until de end pf february, and I got it. Even if it was completed on the last day of february, I finished the goal during the time of the deal and I am satisfied.



Productivity during carnival
The carnival Carnival was different this year in Rio de Janeiro. Government The government postponed street parades were to april until April , hoping that until there the omicron cases will be have decreased.
In this quieter moment of city, I
took have taken advantage to correct and revise my PhD thesis for the qualification. I had a goal of to qualify on february by February, but I couldn't since I have been to too busy at work. So , I adapted the goal to finish the corrections until de by the end pf february of February , and I got did it. Even if it was completed on the last day of february the month , I finished the goal during the time of the deal , and I am satisfied.


Thanks for the corrections. I am learning a lot.