Write & CorrectEnglish
Do you think We will be changed as we get older?
It's just my Essay, No offense if you don't agree with it. It's just for practicing My English and Thought
People can be getting changed a little bit as we get older, as time flies, in the end they are changing .
But People don't notice they have been changed , they can figure it out with a long distance view.
So We should not think we know ourselves very well.
It is like we are on the train, running fast.
Without realizing it, we might be going somewhere.
What we see, what we hear, whom we talk with, what we live for a living, according to those , we have been changed a little bit.
If we want to have better ourselves, we need to change the environment.
Human doesn't want to use energy a lot when they are getting older. The less have the energy The easier to follow just things or ppl around us. So changing the environment is easier than change ourselves. Therefore, we should try to care someone that we want to be close since they can affect us.
Wish all of you in here, best luck and be happy always!