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Seoul, South Korea Local Time: 11:20 AM
Community Activities
- Heesuk.Im commented on Will.H's correction for Do you think We will be changed as we get older?
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: Do you think We will be changed as we get older?
- Heesuk.Im commented on lprongs's correction for To myself
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: To myself
- Heesuk.Im commented on Joel.Galang's correction for How can I wrap up this year..
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: How can I wrap up this year..
- Heesuk.Im has shared the passage CNN
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's correction for How to broaden your understanding..?
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: How to broaden your understanding..?
- Heesuk.Im commented on Chas.Warren's correction for What does it mean to respect other people?
- Heesuk.Im corrected PiAlfa's essay 소개
- Heesuk.Im commented on Aussie.B's correction for What does it mean to respect other people?
- Heesuk.Im commented on AppleMae.Soriano's correction for What does it mean to respect other people?
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's correction for What does it mean to respect other people?
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's correction for What does it mean to respect other people?
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: What does it mean to respect other people?
- Heesuk.Im commented on Heesuk.Im's correction for 수영하고 싶어요.
- Heesuk.Im corrected leosmith's essay 수영하고 싶어요.
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's essay 한국 드라마에 대한 질문
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's essay 한국 드라마에 대한 질문
- Heesuk.Im corrected leosmith's essay 한국 드라마에 대한 질문
- Heesuk.Im commented on Heesuk.Im's correction for 저는 운이 좋아요.
- Heesuk.Im corrected leosmith's essay 저는 운이 좋아요.
- Heesuk.Im commented on Elaine.Lippmann's correction for The Mind is like muddy water
- Heesuk.Im commented on Chas.Warren's correction for The Mind is like muddy water
- Heesuk.Im commented on Chas.Warren's correction for There is no need to regret about the past
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's essay COVID-19가 안나빠다고 들었어요
- Heesuk.Im corrected leosmith's essay COVID-19가 안나빠다고 들었어요
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's correction for How do you handle your mind when you feel down or up?
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: How do you handle your mind when you feel down or up?
- Heesuk.Im commented on Kosta.Cirkovic's correction for I made it because I just survived this year.
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: I made it because I just survived this year.
- Heesuk.Im corrected Heesuk.Im's essay There is no need to regret about the past
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's correction for The Mind is like muddy water
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: The Mind is like muddy water
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's correction for There is no need to regret about the past
- Heesuk.Im corrected Heesuk.Im's essay There is no need to regret about the past
- Heesuk.Im commented on Clayton.Henderson's correction for There is no need to regret about the past
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: There is no need to regret about the past
- Heesuk.Im commented on leosmith's correction for My favorite season
- Heesuk.Im wrote an essay: My favorite season