Change.Me.Please's recent posts

Posts3Likes1Joined12/12/2023LocationBochum / DE
Learning Chinese - Mandarin, Russian, Turkish

Yes exactly since Anki just tells you when there are words that are have already been imported. So you can just add all of them and Anki will only import those, that are new.

Posts3Likes1Joined12/12/2023LocationBochum / DE
Learning Chinese - Mandarin, Russian, Turkish

Sure, I attached the screenshot. Although I had a look at it again and I think the problem might have something to do with the vocabulary list on the website. In the exported file there is one particular sentence that is added for a lot of different words (although not containing them). When I look for these words in the vocabulary list, they all seem to be missing the original sentence they were taken from. Could this have something to do with it?

I tried to change up things in the export window but it didn't help. For now I'll just remove that one sentence from all the cards (Anki let's you do that in bulk) and after that add the sentences manually. 

Posts3Likes1Joined12/12/2023LocationBochum / DE
Learning Chinese - Mandarin, Russian, Turkish

When I export my vocabulary, the text file I get puts wrong sentences with the words. I thought there was something wrong with Anki but it can already be seen in the text file.
