deleted.88416's recent posts

Posts0Likes0Joined8/11/2019LocationDouala / CM
Other English

Hi people

When you want to learn a langage your best bet is to use as authentic materials as possible. So you want to read what a native speaker is reading. Now what is important is to ENJOY what you are going to read. OK

So it is not the langage level of the book that is important but rather if you like the content.

I read comics i french so i cannot see why i would not read these in English, Spanish etc

It is the passion that you have for what you are doing that will get you to make fast progress

Do you understand ?

Be well




Posts0Likes0Joined8/11/2019LocationDouala / CM
Other English

Well basically it seems you are all saying the same things but in different ways.

Let me try and sum up

The best way to learn a langage is to be exposed to authentic materials. friends from the target country , to watch movies , read books in the langage and may i dare say to hook up with a native langage teacher , 

Also whatever you enjoy doing in your own language try and do it in the foreign langage. If you like cooking and you want to learn Greek why do not get yourself a receipe written in Greek and try it out. It does not even have to be Greek food for those who like me think it is too fatty. Apologies if there are any Greek around.

If you like museums same idea etc

Another issue is to try to stimulate all your cognitive areas. In langage learning traditionnally those four are said to be the most important reading , writing , speaking and listening.  

If i may a fifth one is often overlooked. Whatever you are doing it must be pleasurable so that it triggers the right center in your mental equipment. So it is important to achieve th right balance between the different activities and different key skills so as to learn exponentially 



