Jade.Xuereb's recent topics

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I follow Ali Gamal on Facebook and have done for around 8 years now he has a great YouTube channel that I really advocate for anyone trying to learn 'street Egyotian' and sound like a local. He has subtitles and breakdowns and good energy in front of the camera. 


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish


here is a simple listening quiz that might be useful to Spanish learners, I found it to be below my level but I am sure it will help people starting out

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

How do you test your skills if you are not learning traditionally?

I stumbled upon some good testing resources this week but I am curious as to how you measure your own progress if you are not learning with a tutor or in a classroom?


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Las Pesadillas - Lectura

Spanish Reading about Nightmares

Benjamín se encuentra en la mitad de un sueño placentero cuando en él aparece algo desagradable, Benjamín se retuerce en la cama, tratando de salir de ese sueño. Al gritar entran a su habitación para ver que ocurre, le dicen que no pasa nada y le secan la frente sudorosa; comentándole que tuvo otra vez un mal sueño pero que ahora esta despierto y puede tranquilizarse.

Si has sentido alguna vez algo parecido, es que has tenido una pesadilla, no eres el único; casi todos la tienen de vez en cuando, tanto adultos como niños.

Una pesadilla es un mal sueño, puede hacer que sientas miedo, ansiedad o enojo, pero no son reales ni pueden hacerte daño.

Mucha gente sueña con la misma pesadilla reiteradas veces. Otras personas tienen pesadillas en la cual el contenido cambia pero el mensaje es el mismo.

Cuando duermes tu cerebro sigue funcionando. Pasa por diversas fases de sueño, incluido el sueño REM (movimientos oculares rápidos); se llaman así porque durante esta fase del sueño, tus ojos se mueven de un lado a otro mientras los párpados están cerrados. Durante el sueño REM, tienes sueños, y a veces, estos sueños pueden ser aterradores o tristes.

Cada 90 minutos, aproximadamente tu cerebro alterna entre el sueño no REM y el sueño REM. Si te despiertas en la noche durante la fase REM, será más fácil que recuerdes lo que estabas soñando, esto es porque tus sueños y pesadillas más vividos ocurren en las primeras horas de la mañana.

Te has preguntado ¿Por qué tienes pesadillas?. Bueno las situaciones estresantes que se producen durante el día pueden convertir los sueños en pesadillas. Las pesadillas pueden ser una forma de liberar las tensiones diarias. Eso implica enfrentarse a las cosas. Algunas veces los cambios importantes, como mudarse de casa o la enfermedad o muerte de un ser querido, pueden causar estrés y dar lugar a pesadillas. A veces un factor externo , por ejemplo, el ruido que hace una moto en la calle puede provocarte una pesadilla, en estos casos las personas no son conscientes pero es el cerebro quien lo detecta, produciendo así un cambio brusco en tu sueño.

Muchas personas nos preguntamos ¿cómo es posible prevenir las pesadillas?. Teniendo claro que es normal tener pesadillas de vez en cuando, existen algunas técnicas para controlarlas, en las cuales está: seguir una rutina de sueño sana, dormir con una cobija de tu elección, dejar la puerta abierta, etc.

Debemos tener muy claro que las pesadillas no son reales ni pueden hacernos daño. Soñar con algo aterrador no significa que sucederá en la vida real. Tampoco significa que seas una mala persona que quiere hacer cosas malas.

No eres infantil por sentir miedo después de una pesadilla. A veces el simple hecho de hablar con alguien basta para olvidar lo acontecido.

Las pesadillas pueden ser aterradoras un rato, pero ahora ya tienes más claro que son y que hacer.....


La pesadilla: Sueño que produce angustia y temor.

El sueño: Acto de dormir. Representación en la fantasía de sucesos o imágenes mientras se duerme.

El miedo: Sensación de alerta y angustia por la presencia de peligro o mal, sea real o imaginario.

Real: Que tiene existencia verdadera y efectiva.

Imaginario: Solo tiene existencia en la imaginación y fantasía.

Aterrador: Que causa miedo o terror.

Malo: Que se opone a la razón o a la moralidad.

Despertar: Interrumpir el sueño del que duerme. Momento en que se despierta alguien.

Dormir: Estar en un estado de reposo en el que se suspende toda actividad conciente y todo movimiento voluntario.

Olvidar: Dejar de retener algo en la memoria.

La ansiedad: Estado de agitación o inquietud del ánimo.

El enojo: Sentimiento de ira o enfado.

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I have mentioned Breaking news in the past with someone on here but I am going to share a couple of links from the BBC Enlgish learning site that I think makes it great. I use these exercises with my A" and B1 groups. 

The site is set up with current news and events.

The articles are simplified for non=native readers.

You then have exercises you can do as a comprehension test.

Sometimes there are synonymous words to choose from the article which is awesome for extending your vocabulary and in general as the stories are updated so regularly it means you can hold a conversation or understand a conversation about current events!

Here is a link to all the graded news stories (it is a huge archive!)


Secondly, they have multi-speed listening tests which you can find here; https://breakingnewsenglish.com/multi-speed-listening.html

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

This site is probably a little below the level I now need but if anyone is interested in reading or writing Arabic this is a well-laid-out and simply explained, basic site with bitesize lessons. Although I should probably add that some of the English... is a little incorrect grammatically you should still understand!


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

If you are self-teaching a language how do you ensure you make time for it?

This week I slipped with my Arabic I haven't made any time at all for it... I am feeling guilty about it and worried that I may slip into old habits... What ideas have you to share about holding yourself accountable for your learning and how you manage your time?

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

vamos a compartir algunas adivinanzas

La reina de los mares

Es la reina de los mares, Su dentadura es muy buena Y por no ir nunca vacía, Siempre dicen que va llena...

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Blanco is the colour white but it has other uses in Spanish (as do green/verde and Black/negro) and I thought starting a thread could be useful here are a few expressions off of the top of my head, please feel free to add more and discuss the use of colours in expressions in there languages too if you'd like to :)

Dar en Blanco- hit the mark (to succeed at something the first try or with ease)

El dardo dio en el blanco... the dart hit the target

Pasar el noche en blanco- sleepless/restless night

Quedarse en blanco- when your mind goes blank and you can't think of what to say

Ir de punta en blanco- Is to be dressed smartly, formally out of the box or off of the mannequin you would go to a job interview punta en blanco :)

we also use 'estar sin blanca' if you have no money

and you can be' en el blanco de criticas (the butt of the joke)

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Hola a todos...

Que pelís has visto, cual fue la ultima/ su favorita? 

Vamos a discutir :)

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish


This is from a Hong Kong-based language school, but I love that it subtitles in Spanish and English simultaneously and it is pretty basic and clear to listen to and understand and helped me a lot when I moved out here, I found actual Spanish television shows to fast and to native for me to really progress, I would get fed up and turn them off quite regularly... I watched these videos and I also followed a BBC series called mi vida loca (which is interactive) I am sure I posted the link for that one before though it would have been a few years back so It may be a little buried in the forums... If I can find the other post I will link it here in the comments. Enjoy!

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

This is an invaluable website in general but I am linking a lower intermediate listening that has a pdf transcription as well as a transcription exercise so you can transcript it yourself and then check it against the real one. This place has some really useful resources, I hope everyone enjoys it.


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I am not sure where this should go in the forum so please advise/move/delete if innapprpriate

I have been somewhat lazy with my Arabic lately but this week I decided to get back into the swing of things

here is my word of the week. phrases of the week and one has an audio file attached


عن كثب

Means: closely

Pronounced: 3an kathab



اغتنم الفرصة

Means: Seize the Opportunity

Pronounced: ightanim al furSa

ليس بوسع أن أعبر عن مدى سعادتي

Means:  I cannot express the extent of my happiness
Pronounced:  laysa bi-wis3i an u3abbira 3an mada sa3aadatiPlease listen to

attached audio file for exact pronunciation of this

Key Vocab:  سعادة (sa3aada) = happiness

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Some PDF links to practice your English vocabulary https://www.english-practice.at/b1/vocabulary/language-in-use/b1-language-in-use-index.htm

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Today after band practice we went to the bassist's house for copas, we had an awesome afternoon and I spoke Spanish all day. We discussed everything from Freddy Mercury, wave cancellation in digital audio production, the rocket launcher that crashed in the Indian ocean and flat-earthers! I really feel like my conversational skills are improving. BUT I still think in English and I need to stop, it forces me to take a long route around what I can easily say in half the words in Spanish If I think in Spanish. At the moment the way I should say what I want to say comes hits me afterwards!

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

This resource lists the colors in just about every language in one handy easy to access chart which I think is pretty cool. I am attaching a screenshot


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I know we have a few resident polyglots, I have a big interest in etymology and philology so I am always astounded with polyglottal exchanges this one recently posted by Unilad gave me a smile


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I have lots of old messages that have been read but are still marked as new messaged lit up as saying I have 6, I also can't find a way to delete them and get rid of the notification that way! Any ideas?

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Just thought it might be fun to have somewhere to drop some language learning memes and humor to keep spirits up when things get tricky. I'll start;

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Okay so for many language learners, typically you will have an app to hand or find yourself running of to google translate from time to time when you are stuck especially if you are in that limbo between beginner and intermediate... But how often do you translate it either yourself or with assistance and just know with your level of understanding that the translation must not be literal... you are missing some part of the context or significance in that specific case...

Well one website that I have found extremely useful for Spanish is https://context.reverso.net/translation/english-spanish/

It allows you to put in an English phrase/idiom/turn of speech and get the Spanish equivalent rather than a direct translation it also works in reverse which has come in very handy when the boys are talking about monkeys... but actually mean a desire or an urge to do something, or when one of them told me he was only pen*sing but meant he was 'messing around and not doing anything of importance...

Hope its useful

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Read this little article this morning contributed to by polyglots some of whom speak up to 16 languages...it has some good tips... What are your opinions? What have you tried and not tried?


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I am not a huge fan of flashcard learning, but as a teacher it is a useful tool, especially with younger learners. It certainly has its place to bolster learning, if you are forgetful or want to cram a lot of new words in for a particular subject. I have been away from this site a fair while so forgive me if MEMrise has already been suggested but I just thought it was worth a little praise for its intermediate plus content, I find personally I am past the beginner stage and it becomes quite tricky to source content that is suitable for my level or sites where you don;t have to start from scratch and cover the things you already know, which can be a real bore!


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Just wanted to share a youtube channel by 2 guys from Madrid who post daily video's with Spanish vocab, verb conjugation and... idioms and expressions to help you sound like a local! I enjoy them a lot I love how they dip and dive out of English and Spanish, they speak at a great pace very clearly and they teach from the roots as the channel title suggests At the moment they are near-ending their basic level 'course' and have just started doing live video's where you can Q& A and request future topics, They have a great sense of humor and rapport too which helps 


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Hey everyone, it has probably been a couple of years since I used this forum, so I thought I would reintroduce myself! I am an English native speaker living in Spain, looking to practice and improve my Spanish... especially if you speak Andalusian because it is very different and I struggle to understand la lengua del calle! I work as a n English teacher for Cambridge at a small academia here teaching up to B1 for exam preparation and am willing to help 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I have said in many replies throughout the forum that my biggest interest in learning languages is exploring the connections between. Today I found this beautiful illustration

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A good source ... Heavy reading but I am getting through the first few verb sections http://arabic-grammar.com/lessons.html

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I keep forgetting new words I learn because I'm not studying o decided to wrote them down and I thought here was as good a place as any . Sorry of it's completely random to other readers :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

En hispani

Ajedrez/ chess 


Fi al Arabi


3Trafa/ to admit

Minshar/ saw noun 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Here is a resource i forgot about, it is a video series on the BBC each video is shot with a non native spanish speaker in spain trying to figure out what has happened and you along with her, they are a little slow for my liking but i remeber using them a few years back and i think they do the same kind of series for several major languages, they have pauses and teach the language in a written structure (you a nmake notes if you like ) and it has paused parts for you to spak the correct line, then listen to what the person said in the scenario to see if you were correct. (i actually found these archived somewhere else and downloaded them instead of watching them on the site (tsk tsk bad I know but pirates PM)


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Sometimes in English we use the preposition at with a superlative. For example after my son was born I was at my heaviest.  

When I wake up I am usually at my grumpiest 

I am at my happiest reading in the sunshine. 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

found this beautiful gem today 

i wonder how her language skills are today ? 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

In past simple tense regular verbs generally have +ed added to the end, some consonants double up first and of course there are plenty of irregular verbs to throw you off! But despite the ending being the same there are 3 distinct pronunciations, one o the tools we use in class is the following;




~Words that end with the following consonants.... B G L M N RV or Z are pronounced with like the end of FreD... 

eg: beggeD swimmeD RibbeD

~ words that end with the following consonants ..... F ( includes some Ph and GH sounds) K P S SH CH or TH are pronounced with a shorter clipped sound more like the T at the end of the name BerT


Liked (likT) skipped (skipT) watched (watchT) Laughed (laughT)

~ words which end in the following consonants T and D are pronounced with an ID sound 


wetted (wettID) fitted (fittID) wedded (weddID) 

Hope that helps some of you out :)

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

This is a useful link to a site I would have loved to have bookmarked when I was learning 


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In English we have 12 tenses and they tend to follow the rules

In Spanish there are 14 (some argue 15)

I was curious how many there are in the languages you are learning?

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Sometimes grammar can beat about the bush and sound more complex than it is. Something my students struggle with...Maybe we can practice them here.There are lots of transitive verbs which can be used as intransitive in future or clausal sentences and stay the same others change.

My examples

OPEN the door Transitive

the shop will not OPEN on sunday Intransitive

she tried to STOP the baby crying Transitive

If we STOP now we can have lunch Intransitive


Jimmy RUNS to catch the bus Transitive

I am going to try to RUN twice a week.

She LEFT slamming the door behind her

The train LEAVES at 3.30pm

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

i just noticed i have posted my 400th post today so in honour here is a list of the word 400 in some of the languages i know i have grouped those which i think share similar roots as this is my favourite thing to see in language evolution and structure please feel free to add your translations i don't speak any languages with other writing systems except for arabic 

Spanish cuatrocientos

Italian quattrocento

Latin quadringenti 

French quatre cents 

English four hundred

German vierhundert

Greek tetrakosia 

Arabic arba ma3ya اَرْبَعمِائة

Hebrew arba meot 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Punctuation can be tricky (for some) to master, even for natives in their own languages! This is a useful online site, full of information which lists, explains, and demonstrates English punctuation characters in an easy-to-follow manner.


If anyone wants to chat about comma usage, i would be happy to help! It is something i go over a lot with my B1 class and of course there is always the controversial (but correct!) Oxford comma to discuss too.  

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

If you have never heard of FANBOYS and i don't mean the film i mean the acronym this might be a useful breakdown and tool for you.

In English we typically form a sentence using the subject + verb then the object if there is one S+V+O this makes a short sentence 

This is a simple phrase with an idea and many beginners can do this. In order to link 2 ideas we can use a certain set of conjunctives ... there are many conjunctives which can make one idea longer or more detailed but only a few which can link 2 ideas that are related. 

They are called coordinating conjunctions and they can be remembered using the mnemonic FANBOYS 








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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

To have an extended conversation in your target language you need a good vocabulary which goes beyond basic conversation. One excersize i do with my students is we always make a ord tree for each new subject.

We start by placing the word in the centre of the trunk for example food... then we draw branches fruit veg meats, dairy.drink etc then smaller branches for other foods, we do this in depth until we have associated words like which get further away expanding the subject matter until your have a range of things your can express.... taste,expensive,shopping list,vegetarianism, bitterness, recipe etc

being able to do this means that when you discuss a subject you can recall much more about it rather than saying i like meat, my favourite is beef, you can eventually talk about the farming industry, or how you prefer your teak cooked down to culinary perfection which gives you a better level and allows for more natural conversation flow. 

Today i found this great word association site ( i am taking part in a songwriting challenge (for 100 days) and it is a tool that was recommended for song lyric writing practice) i think it might be a useful tool for those with a good general English level to extend their vocabulary use and link different topics which they can already express.  


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I write my own lesson plans fory classes based on hesykkanus for their exams but I stumbled on this site with lesson plan ideas for teaching yourself and language


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Happy new year guys X X Eid Mubarak and feliz año nuevo a todos X X happy to be a part of this community here's to 2019. Get see your best memories for 2018 !?

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Doing some reading, stumbled upon this some I knew others I didn't


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It's my last class if the year today I am finger painting xmmas cards with my infant's and writing Xmas poems with my B groups, I thought I would keep on topic and they are currently looking at compound adjectives, can anyone help me think of a few that might be Christmas themed I have red-nosed, night-sky, snow-capped so far

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Es muy popular en Inglés, yo pensaba, quizá jugar en Español

Acrónimo: UPDLR

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Some useful English verbs phonetically pronounced in Spanish

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Do you celebrate Halloween where you are and if so what are your plans for Wednesday ? 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

With my younger classes we make a picture dictionary and add new vocab as we go, today I found this article I am curios to know if any one has used it . building your own dictionary sounds pretty good 


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I see lots of advice on learning the 100 most commonly used words of a language first... But I wonder if that is a sensible place to start. I teach my students in a sentence structure then we branch out from there for example ... I eat dinner then he she you etc eat dinner then we add vocab like i/ we/ they eat *soup* for dinner and eventually pair other phrases... I like to eat soup for dinner etc. I believe children learn naturally in this manner in the home we simplify how we speak to them and extend their vocabulary along the way. I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

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¿Puede ayudarme? – Can you help me?

Puede repetirlo! – Can you say that again?

 No entiendo – I don’t understand!

No (lo) sé – I don’t know!

No tengo ni idea – I have no idea!

 Estoy perdido – I’m lost

¿Qué significa …? – What does … mean

 Mi español es malo – My Spanish is bad

 ¿Puedes hablar más despacio? – Can you speak more slowly?

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This article better explains some of the false cognates i spoke of when comparing Spanish and English it has some awesome examples from a variety of languages ...


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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Just found this gem on a Finnish friends page , don't think I'll try Finnish yet 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I found this video its short but full of info

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Here are a few English words which aren't used often but have great meanings IMO


To up and leave someone all of a sudden.


someone who doesn't shut up talking nonsense


some one who constantly criticises others in an annoying pedantic fashion


Flushed /reddened like ... She had erubescent cheeks. 


Another word for a person who sleepwalks

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Who managed to catch the eclipse? I have been super busy it was amazing to watch but I didn't get any pics my phone is rubbish! Who did ? 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Scrolled past this on my Facebook this morning 


Interesting theory not sure I envision it to be perfectly honest ... What are your opinions ? 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

If you speak English believe it or not you already have a large Spanish vocabulary and vice versa just following a suffix rule i found this a useful "cheat sheet" if you will. Note this doesn't work for every word but give it a go use a translate app or Google translate see his many words it really works for . 

Words in English that end in ous change to oso 

words in English that end in ct change to CTO

words in English that end in ment change to mento or miento

words in English that end in ic change to ico

words in English that end in ant change to ante

words in English that end in ence change to encia

words in English that end in id change to ido

words in English that end in ary change to ario

words in English that end in ly change to mente

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If anyone fancies a real chat perhaps we could vote for a convenient time and start to fill the rooms a little i have added this poll to guage a rough estimate of a good time firstly for the English chat room as currently the majority of users can speak a little English or are trying to learn If this helps us to find a time to get together and chat we can poll the Spanish French and Urdu rooms etc etc 

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Prepositions are a fantastic way to lengthen sentences and phrases to join vocabulary and improve conversational flow allowing it to become less stunted. Word examples ; of to in for on by with next-to through about around above up down into until despite without etc etc 

 When I was a kid my friends and I would write stories one line at a time each using prepositions to continue each line. Maybe we could do that in this thread try to start each new line with a previously unused preposition. I will start

 Once there was a lonely monster who lived.....

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

When I try to edit an essay the original essay is copied but I cannot edit it at all from mobile device the keyboard does not appear. 

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Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Its easy to slip up in a language you are learner especially when you are a beginner anyone have any embarrassing vocabulary mistakesmistakes? 

I received an answer phone message which I misheadmisheard as about my son who is named Isaiah ththe teacher actually said ensayar it was really important they practiced at home not it was really important Isaiah was at home before I realised my mistake I rang thrthethrthethrthethrthe school and confused them as much as my own self it dawned on me late in the evening. 

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish


This site has some popular Egyptian songs with key words translated I had to learn a couple around 5/6 years ago and my vocabulary and understanding improved ten fold. Give it ssa shot. Often pop songs use simple language and repetition and as previouslypreviously discussed songs tend to stick in our heads so they are an incredibly useful learning tool.

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Los diminutivos son sufijos que se le agregan a las palabras para indicar y denotar condición de pequeño

FFpor ejemplo





Raton= ratoncito




Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Nice video here : https://youtu.be/nnLSy4nZI80

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Widely debated subject but also an interesting read http://mentalfloss.com/article/48631/6-early-theories-about-origin-language

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Some people here have mentioned that they have learnt English watching TV shows . which shows are you watching maybe we can use it aas a conversation starter in thrthethrthethrthethrthe the English chatroom sorry about duplicate words I don't seem to be able to edit from my mobile ( problem reported)

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Great quizz site for more advanced learners...http://pigquiz.com

You can also write your own quizzes to suit ability levels on here so it as a great tool as a language teacher for students to access.

no bells or whistles but it is a useful tool!

Any one have any others?

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

After writing my cognates post which you can find here ; https://languagetools.io/forum/t/1802

I thought i had better p[ut a warning about false cognates you will also find many words in foreign languages that feel familiar but may trip you up here are a few i can think of in Spanish

La injuria... Cognate suggest injury related however it means 'Insult' injury is la herida ( la e ree da)

Los parientes... Parents ? no t quite it is actually @Relative@ parents is Los padres (los pa dres)

Estoy Embarazada... Instincts say I am embarrassed but in reality it is I am pregnant (could be embarrassing to mix this one up) I am Embarrased is really Estoy avergonzado/a (es toy a ver gon tha do/a

1 more Estoy Constipado/a... I have a cold! ! ! 

Any one have any others??

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

One of my big interests in learning different languages or rather learning about different languages (as i probably wont master many) Is finding the similarities and differences and seeing geographically
how they have evolved and developed as we migrated across the globe .I love finding words we share and i don;t mean modern technological additions. I am especially interested in older languages for this reason.words we recognise parts of are referred to as cognates in linguistics .they have "a common etymological originThey do not always have the same meaning but sometimes have a similarity you can trace the root back to .It is like being a detective. I often find i can make a good guess at new vocabulary in a variety of languages from cognative abilty alone. I think perhaps because English is my native language and is such an amalgamation of many other languages and therefore find its roots within many of older languages. this example is from wikipedia to help better explain " For example, the English word dish and the German word Tisch ("table") are cognates because they both come from Latin discus, which relates to their flat surfaces. Cognates may have evolved similar, different or even opposite meanings. But, in most cases, there are some similar letters in the word."

"Cognates also do not need to have similar forms: English father, French père, and Armenian հայր (hayr) all descend directly from Proto-Indo-European *ph₂tḗr."

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I suggest watching the Simpsons it hadhas been translated into so many languages wrwewrwe have also been watching game of thrones in Spanish !! 

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Sometimes as an adult learner it is tempting to want to skip learning the alphabet of a new language especially central European languages where we feel we already recognize the letters as opposed to languages like Japanese Arabic where the characters of signifisignifi significantly different

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

It is one thing to learn a language and break the language barrier but what aboutcustoms and faux pas ? Interesting read https://www.google.es/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/travel-faux-pas-to-avoid-2016-9 

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Hello it seems sometimes when I type from a mobile it repeats a word over and if I delete the repitiobrepition over and over again faster than its possible to delete? 

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

I know the private room issue has been reported but I'd like other rooms to chat in languages other than English 

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

There are many teaching practices some more heavily relying on grammar and drilling I believe in a balance of many of these methods excluding more outdated ones are key to learning language but the last method I think influences my practice is the lexical approach because by learning key phrases the students feel accomplished and able to say a range of things they get used to the feel of the language the formation and structures of sentences they recognised the patterns in different phrases are the same and start to acknowledge language writing and speaking rules. I think the basic grammar begins to come more naturally this way translating grammar from one language to another doesn’t always work as the structure of a sentence often changes language to language and a literal translation word for word would not be correct. If lesson are heavily grammar based you run the risk of alienating, boring or confusing students and their level of engagement suffers. Ultimately a good mix of many teaching methods will be best to provide an educating, interesting and engaging learning experience.

Posts0Likes0Joined8/7/2018LocationAlmeria / ES
Other Arabic - Egyptian, French, German, Spanish

Hi guys first to introduce myself ?!?

I am Jade, I am a qualified TEFL teacher teaching English abroad. I learnt a little french and German in school but didn't use it enough to keep it locked away in my brain can't stress the importance of practicing languages. I am pretty quick to learn i once wanted to learn all the languages in the worlds now a mothe rof two and my yoiungest is trying to learn (thinks he is proficient in ) all the languages in the world because he can change the language setting on his tab and play angry birds in about 25 languages haha! I spent a little bit of time in Egypt learning Egyptian Arabic and enjoyed it so much i then made skype buddies online exchanging english language for Arabic. These days i am in sunny Andalusia Spain took a leap of faith and moved m entire family out around a year ago, both my children attend a tiny village school in the mountains and after a year are excelling with their Spanish i would really like to be able to keep up before i know it they will be teenagers with conversations they don't want their parents to overhear i'd really like to even the playing field and learn better Spanish especially Andalusian dialect as it seems to be very different from Spanish taught in the books!
