I'm on my way Android and attached a screenshot. What do you think about there being a preview of the notification mentioned in the screenshot? I for one like to bring able to just take a quick glance at the first couple details of a message to know what it could be about.
Chance's recent topics
I have two screenshots attached using the Google chrome browser on an Android phone. The suggestions I have with the first screenshot is that new notifications could be in a new tab all together instead of everything being merged into one panel.
With the second, the apply button could say "Upload"
I'm using my phone browser so I'm not sure what these menus are like from a desktop or laptop
Hey guys, I'm Chris, I'm 26 years of age and I'm from Jamaica (still live there too). English is my first language and I always had an interest in learning Spanish but always had trouble with learning it at school
On the pop-up window where you can view a teacher's introduction video, the button to close the window after watching could say 'Close' or 'Finished' instead of 'Okay'
There could be a filter on the 'Find a Teacher' page where you can just type in the language you're looking for and it filters all the teachers that teach that particular language
Once you select a teacher and then fill out the form, before checking out, scheduling a time with a teacher does not allow you to pick a date or time on the next pop up screen