Jori's recent topics

Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Japanese, Russian

Hi there!

I've noticed that the web's prefered meanings differs from the Android ones. I use both versions equally, and that's one of the main reasons I like Language Crush. I usually do the hard work on PC, where I have my keyboard, my shortcuts, tools etc, and then I use the phone to review for the rest of the day. And it's on Android where 50% of the time when I click on a word, it appears the wrong meaning, and I have to tell the program that I want to use my own meaning (the one that I previously added on the PC and marked as the preferd). In fact, I tend to always delete the other meanings, because if I don't, the Android ignore my preference and the next time I open the passage, it sets back again the wrong meaning

I think this has something to do with other people stadistics. On my first months on Language Crush I did't notice the problem because I was only translating french-catalan (I think there is no other users adding meanings and set prefered ones on this language). But now that I've goten into russian-english and japanese-english, I've run into it



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Japanese, Russian

Hi, I've noticed that in the Android app, the japanese characters (kanji) are treated as chinese (hanzi)

I find strange that nobody mentioned about it before. Maybe there is an option I'm missing? or it's planed to fix it in the future?



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Japanese, Russian

Hello, I see that I'm able to choose the language of the translations, however that seems to be a general setting

So for example if I want to learn french in spanish and russian in english, I have to change the language everytime I open a passage in either french or russian

It's not a major problem, but it would be nice if the setting was remembered for each language individually. Or maybe there is an option I'm missing?


