Jori's recent posts

Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Not really. I've noticed it sometimes with the same verb (péri), but not in other cases (as far as I'm aware).

It's an isolated issue for me, not a problem at all.



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

My thoughts are that language learning is so demanding, that it's normal that most people can't hold long periods of it, except for those that language learning it's a daily/weekly routine.

I compare fore example with doing sport. Whey you never did sport before, even 5 minutes of running can get you so exhausted, but when you're a runner, you can stand 1 hour of running very well. I think that the brain it's not that diferent in that regard. Maybe language learning involves some areas that are not used on non language learning persons.

So, saying that language learning routine it's like going to mind's gym, it's not a metaphor, it's almost literal.

Work it's also demanding of course. But people work everyday, so comparing language learning (special scenario) with work (standard scenario of most people's life), I don't know if it's a fair comparison. It's fair compare plain walking (on supermarket etc) with any sport activities? humans are always training on walking, we walk everytime. But, go visit to a person hospitalized for months, or recovering from an injury and see if is able to, even when the injury is gone, the muscles need to get used to the new activity that is walking.

So the answer to this poll, maybe it's a trick question. Maybe for a person who is doing language learning for years, there is no difference with work. But maybe it's not the case of new students, even in their second year studing the language, maybe are not completely used to it.



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Thanks leo, didn't see your answer earlier, sorry

I've just tested, and doesn't seem fixed for me. Maybe it's been improved, I couldn't really tell, but in some words still appear the upmost voted translation instead of my own translation

However... it's been a month, that I decided to use catalan as my unique translation language, and I don't use english anymore. So I forgot about this problem completely

For now, I'm doing very well with Language Crush, and of course there is room for improvement in some aspects, but for now I'm bug free and hapily using the web/app with it's pros and cons. I'm even used to small kanji/hanzi differences, that I did mention in another thread, so it doesn't bother me anymore

As always, thanks. It's great having you taking care of the community



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Thanks for the support, have a nice day



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Hi there!

I've noticed that the web's prefered meanings differs from the Android ones. I use both versions equally, and that's one of the main reasons I like Language Crush. I usually do the hard work on PC, where I have my keyboard, my shortcuts, tools etc, and then I use the phone to review for the rest of the day. And it's on Android where 50% of the time when I click on a word, it appears the wrong meaning, and I have to tell the program that I want to use my own meaning (the one that I previously added on the PC and marked as the preferd). In fact, I tend to always delete the other meanings, because if I don't, the Android ignore my preference and the next time I open the passage, it sets back again the wrong meaning

I think this has something to do with other people stadistics. On my first months on Language Crush I did't notice the problem because I was only translating french-catalan (I think there is no other users adding meanings and set prefered ones on this language). But now that I've goten into russian-english and japanese-english, I've run into it



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

I think it's the font that the app uses, because for example I have a japanese dictionary App named Takoboto, and it displays the characters like LanguageCrush browser. So it's the font of the app, I mean... if you do an app, you can choose what font utilize your app, right? you are not bound to the OS in that regard. Maybe there are apps out there that sets the font based on the language of the OS dynamically, and that may produce the impression that these apps don't control the font, but it's not the same

As you say, there is no right or wrong font. I suppose that people who study chinese would like to have fonts like Microsoft YaHei or SimSun, and people who study japanese would like to have Meiryo, Yu Gothic, Yu Mincho etc. I don't know the complete list of fonts, but for example some programs like Open Office or Photoshop have them grouped, like if they belong to same subset family or something




Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Yes, from a computer perspective, I think it's only a matter of font. Some fonts sticks to one subset of characters, some fonts sticks to other. It would be nice to be able to switch that

Thanks for support!



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Hi! yes, in the end, I think it may have to do with the font. I remember having the same problem in Anki, and I had to switch to a japanese font like Meiryo or Yu Gothic to solve it

But... is there an option to change font in the app? I don't see anything

This is an example of what I see



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Hi, I've noticed that in the Android app, the japanese characters (kanji) are treated as chinese (hanzi)

I find strange that nobody mentioned about it before. Maybe there is an option I'm missing? or it's planed to fix it in the future?



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Hi there, I've experienced the same bug

In my case, if I create a French passage with the text "Brandon avait péri à l’âge de vingt ans", it switches péri (to die) to prié (to pray)

This can be a game changer in terms of the story events, hope the devs kill Brandon once and for all (joke)



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Hi!, thanks for your attention



Catalan, Spanish
Learning French, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Hello, I see that I'm able to choose the language of the translations, however that seems to be a general setting

So for example if I want to learn french in spanish and russian in english, I have to change the language everytime I open a passage in either french or russian

It's not a major problem, but it would be nice if the setting was remembered for each language individually. Or maybe there is an option I'm missing?


