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- Roopali.Kadam has just finished reading Sai Story - Purandare
- Roopali.Kadam wrote an essay: Apple
- Roopali.Kadam has shared the passage Social Media -Stories
- Roopali.Kadam has just finished reading Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde
- Roopali.Kadam has shared the passage Cell Phone
- Roopali.Kadam has just finished reading LES QUESTIONS EN FRANÇAIS : poser une question facilement !
- Roopali.Kadam has just finished reading Are You Learning English? These Songs May Help
- Roopali.Kadam has just finished reading Teaching Children About the Value of Money
- Roopali.Kadam wrote a reply to Which languages(East Asia) do you prefer to learn? If you have to choose one.
- Roopali.Kadam commented on Blen's essay J'adore appris langue
- Roopali.Kadam corrected Ytalo.Silva's essay My first Essay here
- Roopali.Kadam has shared the passage Library
- Roopali.Kadam has shared the passage Sai Story - Purandare
- Roopali.Kadam wrote a reply to Top 10 Language Learning Apps