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Community Activities
- Belisarius has just finished reading Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles - Complete 2 of 2
- Belisarius has just finished reading Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles - Complete 1 of 2
- Belisarius has shared the passage Galatians 1
- Belisarius has just finished reading 008-009 The Rescue; The Reward of Valour
- Belisarius has just finished reading Jonah
- Belisarius has shared the passage Jonah
- Belisarius has shared the passage Longe mala, umbrae terrores
- Belisarius has shared the passage Eutropius- Breviarium Historiae Romanae 01 - Summary of Roman History
- Belisarius has shared the passage Melanchthon - Historia de Vita et Actis Lutheri 2 of 2
- Belisarius has shared the passage Melanchthon - Historia de Vita et Actis Lutheri 1 of 2
- Belisarius has shared the passage BIGGES EXPEDITIO FRANCISCI DRAKI
- Belisarius has shared the passage Lhomon - De Viris Illustribus 5 of 5
- Belisarius has shared the passage Lhomon - De Viris Illustribus 4 of 5
- Belisarius has shared the passage Lhomon - De Viris Illustribus 3 of 5
- Belisarius has shared the passage Lhomon - De Viris Illustribus 2 of 5
- Belisarius has shared the passage Lhomon - De Viris Illustribus 1 of 5
- Belisarius has shared the passage Lhomond - Historiae Sacrae 1-87
- Belisarius has shared the passage Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles - Complete 1 of 2
- Belisarius has shared the passage Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles - Complete 2 of 2
- Belisarius has shared the passage 008-009 The Rescue; The Reward of Valour
- Belisarius has shared the passage 006-007 - The sea-serpent; a human sacrifice
- Belisarius has shared the passage 005 - The Gorgon's head
- Belisarius has shared the passage Fabulae Faciles 004 - Perseus Gets his Outfit
- Belisarius has shared the passage Fabulae Faciles 003 - Perseus sets off
- Belisarius has shared the passage Fabulae Faciles 002 - Jupiter saves his son
- Belisarius has shared the passage Fabulae Faciles 001
- Belisarius has shared the passage 02 - Founding of Alba Longa
- Belisarius has shared the passage 01a - Aeneas
- Belisarius commented on Nery.Fernanda's essay Adventures
- Belisarius corrected Nery.Fernanda's essay Adventures
- Belisarius has just finished reading Cloelia 10 - nuntium Porsennae
- Belisarius has shared the passage Cloelia 10 - nuntium Porsennae
- Belisarius corrected Nery.Fernanda's essay Article about education- first part
- Belisarius has just finished reading fr cap. 2
- Belisarius corrected Nery.Fernanda's essay Roding a bike for nearby city
- Belisarius has just finished reading Imitation I.3b
- Belisarius has shared the passage Genuit puerpera regem
- Belisarius has shared the passage Seneca Epistula ad Lucilium I
- Belisarius has shared the passage Puer Natus est Nobis
- leosmith locked the topic fixed - Persian word order backwards?
- leosmith renamed the topic Persian word order backwards? to fixed - Persian word order backwards?
- Belisarius created a new topic Persian word order backwards?