English (NATIVE)
Japanese (C1)
Personal Tags
English Teacher
United States
Current Location
San Antonio, United States Local Time: 9:17 PM
Native English speaker who uses research based instruction methods

Community Activities
- Christian.Hall has just finished reading スーパーで買ったもの What I Bought at a Supermarket
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage What I have in my bag 私のかばんの中身 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Curry and Rice カレーライス - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Places I've lived in 住んだことのある場所 - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Bathtime お風呂 - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage My House 私の家 - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage The Boy Who Cried Wolf オオカミ少年 - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage No.1 in Japan VS No.1 in the world 日本一VS世界一 - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage My Pets ペット - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Mercury and the woodman 金の斧銀の斧 - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Library manners 図書館でのマナー - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Housework 家事 - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Karaoke カラオケ - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Coffee コーヒー - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Three Little Pigs 3匹の子豚 - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage The Tortoise and the Hare うさぎとかめ - Beginner Japanese 日本語初級
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage What do you use to eat it? 何を使って食べる? - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage My Self Introduction 私の自己紹介 Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage How many?#1 Counters for people and animals いくつ?①人や動物の数え方 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Whose hat is this? 誰の帽子? - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage stationery 文房具 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage What is the cat doing? 猫は何をしてる? - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall corrected juan.'s essay Jungle.
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage How do you get there? どうやって行く?- Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Guess Who? 誰でしょう? - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Where is the apple? りんごはどこ? - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Breakfast 朝ごはん - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Spot the Difference 2 間違い探し② - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Where are they going? どこに行く? - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Spot the Difference 間違い探し - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Shapes 形 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Things I like and dislike 好きなもの、嫌いなもの - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Origami Bus 折り紙のバス - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Colors and Fruits 色と果物 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage My Family 私の家族 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Weather 天気 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Body Parts 体 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者
- Christian.Hall has just finished reading Pokemon Season 1 Episode 1
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Pokemon Season 1 Episode 7
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Pokemon Season 1 Episode 6
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Pokemon Season 1 Episode 5
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Pokemon Season 1 Episode 4
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Pokemon Season 1 Episode 3
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Pokemon Season 1 Episode 2
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Pokemon Season 1 Episode 1
- Christian.Hall has just finished reading 手の感覚が (short story)
- Christian.Hall has just finished reading Mirai e (Kiroro)
- Christian.Hall has just finished reading 羽生結弦 応援MAD "MIENAI TSUBASA"
- Christian.Hall has just finished reading 1.自己紹介I'm Noriko, Japanese teacher
- Christian.Hall has shared the passage Face 顔 - Complete Beginner Japanese 日本語超初心者