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Salvador, Brazil Local Time: 1:29 PM
Trying to be a polyglot :)
Community Activities
- artho has just finished reading Le Avventure di Pinocchio - Capitolo 02
- artho has just finished reading Le Avventure di Pinocchio - Capitolo 01
- artho has just finished reading Xibé Puranga
- artho has just finished reading Perfekt
- artho has just finished reading Buying a New Watch
- artho has shared the passage Chapter I
- artho has shared the passage Yepé Apigawa Kaawasú Upé
- artho has shared the passage Mirá Yupirungawa
- artho has just finished reading Mirá Yupirungawa
- artho has shared the passage Xibé Puranga
- artho has shared the passage Maria uwatá São Gabriel rupí
- artho has shared the passage Apigá Marupiara
- artho has just finished reading Paranãwasú Upé
- artho has shared the passage Paranãwasú Upé
- artho has shared the passage Maria Anama
- artho has shared the passage Yané mukũi pia yawe
- artho has shared the passage Kwe Katú Indé Arama
- artho has shared the passage Mira Pira
- artho has just finished reading Trecho do livro Yasú Yapurũgitá Yẽgatú, 2014