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Minimal lifestyle

Have you ever heard of "minimal lifestyle"?
This lifestyle is nowadays becoming popular in Japan, especially among young women. The definition of minimal lifestyle is life with a minimal amount of consumption of materials. What we call "minimalists" have their interest in keeping things very simple. To be a minimalist, the first step to be taken is to organize unnecessary items. The concept of minimalism comes from the Buddhist religion and we call it "断捨離-Dansyari" in Japanese. Minimal lifestyle will definitely be the alternative choice for those who get tired of a materialistic lifestyle.



Minimal lifestyle
Have you ever heard of "minimal lifestyle"? This lifestyle is nowadays becoming popular in Japan nowadays , especially among young women. The definition of minimal lifestyle is life with a minimal amount of consumption of materials. What we call These so-called "minimalists" have their interest are interested in keeping things very simple. To be become a minimalist , the first step to be taken is to organize one must eliminate unnecessary items. The concept of minimalism comes from the Buddhist religion and we call it "断捨離-Dansyari" 断捨離 (dansyari) in Japanese. Minimal lifestyle will definitely be the alternative preferred choice for of those who get tired of a materialistic lifestyle.


Very well written Yuka! My corrections are mostly just making things sound a little more native-like.