This is pretty interesting. I've always known that there were a lot of Chinese speakers but I didn't know Russian was this widely spoken too.

This is pretty interesting. I've always known that there were a lot of Chinese speakers but I didn't know Russian was this widely spoken too.
That's a good visual
wow :scream_cat:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
This image is inspiring me to drop popular languages and learn the unpopular ones especially the rich varieties we have in Africa.
Kevwe A.
Some of these languages, I've never even heard of. The only languages I knew from India were Tamil and Hindi.
A student of mine before told me that India has a lot of languages.
Charlyn Amoin
dragonsky wrote:Damn I had no idea so many languages were spoken in India tbh
I worked for an Indian-owned staffing firm and I also didn't know. I really thought it was just Hindi and Tamil. :P
dragonsky wrote:What's the backstory behind having so many languages in India btw?
No idea. Could be a tribal thing. That and it's a big area. Too lazy to Google. Hehehe.