Can you be fluent in a language without having 100% accuracy? Think about times when you didn’t accurately follow the rules of your native language, but you were still perfectly understood by others. It happens more than we realize right? :grin: But this does not mean we should forget the importance of accuracy. How about you? In your opininon, what is more important? fluency or accuracy?
Michelle.Batan's recent topics
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
I would like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all! 😊😊😊
what is merry christmas in your language? In Tagalog its MALIGAYANG PASKO! 😊
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Would you consider going out with someone that you met on the Internet?
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Philippines is known for having the world’s longest Christmas season lol, that is because, the four months that ends with the syllable "ber" are considered Christmas months! Being mostly Catholics, Filipinos start a novena (a series of nine masses) on December 16th. The masses are part of the cherished religious tradition of what we called "Simbang Gabi" which literally means “Night Worship.” Its an accomplishment to attend all nine masses! We also have "Monito Monita" or "Kris Kringle" (exchanging gifts). But what every Filipino looks forward to is the Noche Buena, the family dinner after the midnight mass. :) What traditions do you have during the Christmas season in your country? Do you actually celebrate Christmas?
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
I have a suggestion, im not sure if this is already implemented using a PC. Can I suggest to limit the number of post per page? I mean instead of scrolling down at the very end, can we just click page 1, page 2, next and last etc.? this is for trending topics. When I scroll down using my fown, its kinda slow, I dont think its a problem with my phone. :sweat_smile: Just suggesting..:blush:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Usually the way to know how to use "a" or "an", is by looking at the first letter of the word that comes after "a" or "an". If the first letter of the word is a vowel, then we use "an". If the first letter is a consonant, then we use "a", but why do we say "an hour" instead of "a hour"? or "a union" instead of "an union"? or "an honest" instead of "a honest"? Can someone please enlighten me. :sweat_smile:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Mine is the Japanese phrase: "Ikkoku senkin" which means "time is money".
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Onegai shimasu = Please
Hajimemashite = Nice to meet you (for the first time)
Sumimasen = Excuse me (formal)
Gomennasai = Sorry (polite)
O genki de = Take care
Suki desu = I like it
mou ichidou itte kudasai = Please say it again
Hisashiburi = It’s been a while
Jaa mata = See you
These are enough for today. i'll keep practising slowly but surely :)
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
My super power would be immortality. If I could live forever, I could use my whole life to help others during natural disasters, since I would not be afraid of losing my life and I will never get old. lol
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Which 2 products do you like to eat together, while everyone else doesnt understand the combination at all? :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
This is a game where you are given a choice between two questions/scenarios and you have to choose one. Then ask your 2 "would you rather question/scenario" for the next person to answer, and so on. :blush:
Now, here is mine: Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere OR be able to read minds?
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Think of several random letters that the next person has to turn into an acronym. You can stipulate a theme, or NOT, as you choose. For example, using a theme of love, ADGH might be "A Damn Good Heart" or ILE "I Love Eating".
Now, turn this letters into an acronym then post yours afterwards :blush: -> LMFY
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
What is your favorite idiom or slang word in your language that everyone should know if they have plan to visit your country?
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
What do you think is the weirdest food in your country? :joy:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
No youtube function for mobile users.
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
How do you describe yourself in ONE WORD? :blush:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Which do you think is the most difficult language and why?
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
What would you do if you had to travel to a country where it's people don't know how to speak neither your language nor English? :sweat_smile:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
I was a basketball player (girls league) when I was in high school and I also play volleyball and badminton. Jackstone and Chinese garter as well. lol
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Probably my husband? lol
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
What is the most beautiful song you have heard?
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
August 19, 1990. Leo. Would like to know yours :grin:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Im a Customer Service Rep/Technical Support.
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Can you suggest any movie that is worth watching? except from love story lol
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Reply to a certain person/comment is not working on my mobile phone.
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
abject (AB jekt)
accessories (ak SESS o reez)
absolutely (AB so lute lee)
accidentally (ak si DEN tal e)
abstemious (ab STEE mee us)
acclimate (AK kla mate)
absurd (ab SERD)
address (a DRESS; both noun and verb)
accede (ak SEED)
admirable (AD ma rabl)
accept (ak SEPT)
adult (a DULT; NOT ADD ult)
accession (ak SESH un)
aerial (AIR ree al)
ally (verb: al Lie; noun: AL lie)
applicable (AP plik a bl)
architect (AR ki tekt)
arctic (ARK tik)
area (AIR ee a)
attack (a TAKT)
attitude (AT i tyud)
attorney (a TER nee)
autopsy (AU top see)
avenue (AV a nyu)
aviation (ay vi AY shun)
battery (BAT er e; NOT BAT tree)
being (pronounce the g)
beneficent (be NEFF i sent)
bicycle (BY sik il)
biography (by OG ra fee)
breadth (bredth; pronounce the d)
casualty (CAZH ul tee)
champion (CHAM pee un)
chastisement (chass TYZE ment)
chauffeur (SHOW ferr)
chestnut (CHESS nut)
chocolate (CHOCK o lut)
clique (klik)
comment (COM ment)
compromise (COM pro myze)
concave (con CAYV)
concentrate (CON sen trayt)
concierge (con se AIRZH)
condolence (con DOE lens)
conversant (con VER sunt)
convex (con VEX)
corps (kor)
creek (kreek; NOT krik)
cruel (KROO el)
data (DAT tah)
deaf (def)
decade (DECK ayd)
decisive (dee SY siv)
defect (DE fekt)
deficit (DEF i sit)
demonstrable (de MON strabl)
depot (DEE po)
depths (pronounce the th)
dessert (de ZERT)
detour (DEE toor)
diamond (DY a mund)
distribute (dis TRIB yute)
divide (di VYD)
doing (DOO ing; pronounce the g)
drowned (drownd; one syllable,
NOT drown ded)
duly (DYU lee)
duty (DYU tee)
edition (eh DISH un)
educate (EDD yu kate)
elm (as written; NOT el um)
envelop (verb: en VELL up)
envelope (noun: EN va lope)
epitome (ee PITT o mee)
equitable (EK wi ta bl)
era (IHR a)
err (urr; rhymes with fur)
etiquette (ETT i kett)
every (EV a ree)
exigency (EKS i jen see)
exponent (ek SPO nent)
exquisite (eks KWI zit)
extant (EKS tent)
extraordinary (eks TROR di ner ee)
fact (pronounce the t)
family (FAM a lee)
fasten (FASS en)
favorite (FAY vor it)
figure (FIG yur)
film (as written; NOT fill um)
finance (verb: fi NANS; noun:
FI nans)
financial (fin NAN shul)
financier (fin nan SEER)
forehead (FOR id)
forte (FOR tay)
formidable (FOR mi da bl)
fragmentary (FRAG men ter ee)
friendship (FRIEND ship; pronounce
the d)
genuine (JENN yu inn)
gingham (GHING um)
glisten (GLISS en)
gondola (GONN do la)
government (GUV ern ment; pronounce
both n’s)
grievous (GREE vuss)
guardian (GAR dee un)
hasten (HAYSS en)
height (hyt; does NOT end in th)
heinous (HAY nuss)
herculean (her kyu LEE un)
heroism (HER o izm)
homeopathy (ho mee o PAth ee)
horizon (ho RYZ un)
hostile (HOSS til)
hundred (as written; NOT hunnerd)
idea (eye DEA a)
ignoramus (ig no RAY muss)
immediate (imm EE dee ut)
impious (im PEYE uss)
incognito (in cog NEE toe)
incomparable (in COM pa ra bl)
indictment (in DYT ment)
industry (IN dus tree)
inexorable (in EKS o ra bl)
inexplicable (in eks PLIK a bl)
infamous (IN fa muss)
inquiry (in KWY ree)
Iowa (EYE o wah)
irrevocable (ir REV o ka bl)
Italian (itt AL yun)
italics (ih TAL iks)
judiciary (joo DISH a ree)
just (as written; NOT jest)
knew (nyu)
lapel (la PEL)
large (larg; no d sound)
latent (LAY tent)
length (pronounce the g; NOT lenth)
library (LI bra ree; NOT ly' bay ree)
lieu (loo)
lightning (LYT ning; NOT lyt en ning)
long-lived (long livd; also -leyed)
longevity (lon JEV i tee)
luxury (LUK shur ee; NOT lug shur ee)
lyceum (ly SEE um)
manufacture (man u FAKT yur)
maturity (ma TYR rit tee)
memorable (MEM uh ra bl)
mischievous (MISS cha vuss)
municipal (myu NISS i pul)
museum (myu ZEE um)
new (nyu)
oblique (o BLEEK)
office (OFF fiss; NOT aw fuss)
often (OFF en; no t )
on (as written; NOT awn)
ordeal (or DEEL)
osteopath (OSS tee o path)
osteopathy (oss tee OPP a thee)
overalls (as written; NOT over halls)
parade (pa RAYD; NOT prayd)
partner (as written; NOT pard ner)
patron (PAY trun)
pecan (pe KON)
pecuniary (pee KYU nee er ee)
peremptory (per EMP ter ee)
piano (pee AN o)
picture (PIK tyur)
pique (peek)
plumber (PLUM er)
positively (POZ it tiv lee)
possess (po ZESS)
precedence (PRE sah dens)
preface (PREF iss)
preferable (PREF er a bl)
prescription (pre SCRIP shun)
presentation (prez en TAY shun)
radiator (RAY dee ay tor)
radio (RAY dee o)
rambling (as written; NOT ram bo ling)
realm (relm; NOT rell um)
recognize (REK og nyz)
recourse (REE cors)
refutable (re FYUT a bl)
reputable (REP yut a bl)
research (RE serch)
resources (REE sors ez)
respite (RES pit)
revocable (REV o ka bl)
robust (ro BUST)
romance (ro MANS)
Roosevelt (RO za velt; NEVER roose a velt)
route (root)
sagacious (sa GAY shuss)
schism (SI zem)
simultaneous (sy mul TAY nee uss)
short-lived (short lyvd)
slippery (SLIP er ree; NOT slip ree)
solace (SOL uss)
solder (SOD er)
sphere (sfeer)
status (STAY tuss)
strictly (STRICT lee; NOT strick li)
subpoena (sup PEE nah)
subtle (SUT tl)
suit (soote)
superfluous (soo PER floo uss)
surprise (ser PRYZ)
telegrapher (tell EGG ra fer)
temperament (TEM per a ment;
NOT tem per ment)
tenet (TEN ett)
theater (THEE a ter)
tract (tract; NOT track)
trembling (TREM bling; NOT trem bo ling)
tremendous (tre MEN dus)
tribune (TRIB yun)
tube (tyub)
Tuesday (TYUZ day)
tumult (TYU mult)
umbrella (um BREL lah; NOT um ba rel lah)
usurp (yu SERP)
water (WA ter)
Utica (YU tik a)
what (hwot; NOT wot)
vagary (VA gar ee)
wheel (hweel; NOT weel)
vehement (VEE a ment)
whether (HWETH er)
vehicle (VEE ih kel)
white (hwyt)
verbose (ver BOWSS)
wrestle (RES el)
was (wahz)
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Hi I am Michelle from Philippines. Would love to meet new friends here ^_^
do the right thing even when nobody is watching