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Community Activities
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to What funny/annoying/interesting features have you found in your target language?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to What opportunities have languages given you?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to what is the best method to learn english
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic What funny/annoying/interesting features have you found in your target language?
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic What opportunities have languages given you?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Funny miscommunication
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Is Education Level important to your country?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Writing habit for improving a language
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Writing habit for improving a language
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to How to deal with frustration
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Writing habit for improving a language
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote an essay: Ich möchte an die Leute, die meine Texte verbessen haben, viel denken :)
- ZairaI.Uranga commented on Johannes.Schritz's correction for Was braucht man, um für eine Karriere zu entscheiden?
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic How to deal with frustration
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Writing habit for improving a language
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to verb gradation
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to B1 Gramatik
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to B1 Gramatik
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic B1 Gramatik
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to What is your favourite bilingual dictionary? Why?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to verb gradation
- leosmith renamed the topic What is your favourite English dictionary? Why? to What is your favourite bilingual dictionary? Why?
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic What is your favourite dictionary? Why?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote an essay: Konflikte in den Familien
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Writing habit for improving a language
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to verb gradation
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic Writing habit for improving a language
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to verb gradation
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Christmas Holiday
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic Your thoughts on language learning apps?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Happy new year! Resolutions for language learners.
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Happy new year! Resolutions for language learners.
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic Happy new year! Resolutions for language learners.
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic What I am reading right now in German
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to What got you beyond your native language?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Fun German metaphorical phrases
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic Editorial Recomendation for German learners
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote an essay: Jobs descriptions in German
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic Diagnostic tests for German learners
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to What got you beyond your native language?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to What got you beyond your native language?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Doubt or question
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote an essay: I would appreciate feedback on these sentences on German
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Did it improve your mother tongue?
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic What got you beyond your native language?
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Novels for learning a new language
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Novels for learning a new language
- ZairaI.Uranga wrote a reply to Which languages(East Asia) do you prefer to learn? If you have to choose one.
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic Language courses level placement and learning
- ZairaI.Uranga created a new topic TED Talk on aquiring languages