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Community Activities
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to What's your favorite part of the year?
- janahfacal.. corrected Jeralyn's essay Am I fine?
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to Pleased to meet you all.
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to Rhinoceros.
- janahfacal.. created a new topic 502 Bad Gateway
- janahfacal.. corrected Jeannifer.Dacara's essay Life
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to English words
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to What are you passionate about aside from languages?
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to Learning French
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to Time to stop learning new languages?
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to Tagalog question: may/meron vs magka-/magkaroon
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to How many languages total can you speak (any level from beginner onwards)
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to How many languages total can you speak (any level from beginner onwards)
- janahfacal.. corrected Aileen.Cortes's essay Tips to minimize waste
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to I know it's a bit late but then hello!
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to Do you try to pronounce borrowed words like native speakers of that language?
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to I know it's a bit late but then hello!
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to Please and thank you
- janahfacal.. corrected Aileen.Cortes's essay Passion
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to What is the language you dreamt of learning as a kid?
- janahfacal.. wrote a reply to Hello guys
- Janah.Facal created a new topic Video - The Power of Language
- janahfacal.. wrote an essay Have you been afraid of Public Speaking?
- Janah.Facal created a new topic "Add Link" Feature
- Janah.Facal corrected Maria.Jennings's essa...
- janahfacal.. corrected victor.guda's essay ...
- janahfacal.. corrected Aileen.Cortes's essa...
- janahfacal.. created a new topic Hello guys