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Catalan (B2) English (B2) French (A2) Russian (A1) Spanish (NATIVE)


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Spain Local Time: 2:26 PM

About Us

¡Hola, hola! Somos Ana y Xavi, profesores nativos de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE). Queremos ayudarte a aprender y mejorar tu español. A ambos nos gustan los idiomas, aunque aprendemos de forma diferente. También nos gustan los animales, los juegos, la música, el cine y las series. Además, a Xavi le encanta dibujar, el arte y disfruta de un buen debate.

¡Hola, hola! We’re Ana & Xavi, native Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) teachers. We want to help you learn and improve your Spanish. We both like languages, although we learn in really different ways. We also love animals, games, music, films and series. Also, Xavi loves drawing, art and enjoys a good debate.

We as Teachers

Ana es especialista en la creación de materiales visuales y en la enseñanza del idioma a niveles iniciales. Xavi trabaja en el sector turístico y es el compañero ideal para tus clases de conversación y para ayudarte con la fluidez. Además, a los dos nos gusta aprender lenguas, por lo que empatizamos con los retos que tiene un estudiante de idiomas.

Ana specializes in the creation of visual materials and teaching the language to beginners. Xavi works in the tourist sector and he’s the ideal partner for your conversation lessons and to help you with your fluency. Moreover, both of us love learning languages and that’s the reason why we empathize with challenges a language learner has.

Our Lessons & Teaching Style

Consideramos que aprender a comunicarse en un idioma es primordial, así que nuestro enfoque está en la comunicación. Aun así, no nos olvidamos del resto de destrezas lingüísticas y la gramática. Además, nuestra forma de enseñar es interactiva, motivadora y divertida. Aprenderás haciendo y repitiendo, no solo memorizando. No tendremos problema en utilizar el inglés como lengua vehicular a niveles bajos y puntualmente para aclaraciones a niveles intermedios o altos. 

Our focus is on communication, as we think that learning to communicate is key when learning a language. Nevertheless we won’t leave the other language skills and grammar behind. Our teaching style is interactive, engaging and fun. You will learn by doing and repeating, not only memorizing. We won’t hesitate using English as a means to help explain some points in a clear and concise way with lower levels and, if necessary, for clarifications with intermediate and high levels.

A sample sentence in a language I teach:

¡Sabemos el español que quieres aprender!

The kind of students I'm looking for:

English speakers, beginners to inermediate levels.

How my background prepares me to teach:

Ana has a masters degree in teaching languages and numerous courses (+600 hours) and Xavi has a wide professional experience as a Front Desk agent and manager, appart of several teaching certificates.

Teaching methods or materials that I typically use during my lessons:

Our lessons are interactive and we provide the materials we use during our lessons.

Is there anything you should have or should do in advance:

Contact us if you don't find your preferred day/time to have a lesson!

Personal Learning Summary

We're Ana & Xavi, professional native Spanish teachers from Spain. We've an intense formation as Spanish as a Foreign Language teachers.

Teacher Availability
Available Classes
Conversational (A1-B2) Spanish Spanish
Mejora tu fluidez con algunas actividades que tenemos disponibles. Si lo prefieres, contacta previamente para decidir que actividades o temas trataremos durante la clase. ---- Improve your fluency with some activities we have available. If it suits better your needs, contact us before in order to choose which materials or topics you want to work with during the lesson. Package Available
General Spanish (A0-A2) Spanish
GENERAL SPANISH (A0-A2) This is the best choice if you need complete immersion in Spanish, either if you’re starting to learn or you want to improve some previous knowledge.) Package Available
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Hourly rate starting from

$15.27 USD

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$4.00 USD

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