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Community Activities
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading 00277p:《呢個係我哥哥》 This Is My Elder Brother
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading 00264:《生日快樂》 Little Brother's Birthday Gift
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading 00013:《屋企嘅問題》 Home Problems
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading 00014:《我靚唔靚?》 Am I Pretty?
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading 00034:《阿樂寫俾恐龍仔嘅信》 Goodbye My Friend
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading 00026:《盒》 The Box
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading 00261:《飲早茶》 Breakfast With Grandparents
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading 00002:《個個都唔一樣》 Flowers of One Garden
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage 00264:《生日快樂》 Little Brother's Birthday Gift
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage 00277p:《呢個係我哥哥》 This Is My Elder Brother
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage 00013:《屋企嘅問題》 Home Problems
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage 00026:《盒》 The Box
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage 00034:《阿樂寫俾恐龍仔嘅信》 Goodbye My Friend
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage 00014:《我靚唔靚?》 Am I Pretty?
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage 00261:《飲早茶》 Breakfast With Grandparents
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage 00002:《個個都唔一樣》 Flowers of One Garden
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage Easy Cantonese 1 - Macao
- Danail.Pavlov created a new topic Popover dictionary on iOS
- Danail.Pavlov wrote a reply to Request for more input - Add dictionaries to the reading tool
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage Easy Cantonese 10 - Life of University Students in Hong Kong
- Danail.Pavlov wrote a reply to Switching between dictionary and translation
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading Chatty Cantonese #4 Guest Episode: Pearl Low, Part 2 (English/粵語)
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading Chatty Cantonese #3 Guest Episode: Pearl Low, Part 1 (English/粵語)
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading Life of University Students in Hong Kong
- Danail.Pavlov created a new topic Hardcoded to soft subtitles
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage Chatty Cantonese #4 Guest Episode: Pearl Low, Part 2 (English/粵語)
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage Chatty Cantonese #3 Guest Episode: Pearl Low, Part 1 (English/粵語)
- Danail.Pavlov wrote a reply to Request for more input - Add dictionaries to the reading tool
- Danail.Pavlov wrote a reply to Request for more input - Add dictionaries to the reading tool
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading Chatty Cantonese #2 Learning Tip: How many tones does Cantonese have?
- Danail.Pavlov wrote a reply to Request for more input - Add dictionaries to the reading tool
- Danail.Pavlov wrote a reply to Request for more input - Add dictionaries to the reading tool
- Danail.Pavlov wrote a reply to Switching between dictionary and translation
- Danail.Pavlov created a new topic Switching between dictionary and translation
- Danail.Pavlov wrote a reply to Request for more input - Add dictionaries to the reading tool
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage Chatty Cantonese #2 Learning Tip: How many tones does Cantonese have?
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading Chatty Cantonese #1 WHAT BRINGS US TO CANTONESE?
- Danail.Pavlov has shared the passage Chatty Cantonese #1 WHAT BRINGS US TO CANTONESE?
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading Shorter bonus conversation - Chan
- Danail.Pavlov has just finished reading Peppa Pig 1-8