This way several words could be grouped under one base form. It would help with statistics, SRS card creation, and organization. Taking German as an example it could be implemented in the following cases:
Declension of nouns, plurals, adjectives and determiners:
- Buch, Buchs -> Buch (book)
- Bücher, Büchern -> Bücher (books)
- gut, gute, guter, guten, gutem, gutes -> gut (good)
- mein, meine, meinen, meinem, meiner, meines -> mein (my)
Verb conjugations
- spiele, spielst, spielt, spielen, gespielt, spielte, spieltest, spielten, etc -> spielen (play)
Additionally a comment field could be added so that we could input information about each variation (case, tense, grammatical person, etc.). For example: spielt (play, präsens 3. pers. sing.).
If the user was allowed to add all variations in one go, or if declension and verb tables were already loaded beforehand the new text statistics would be much more accurate.