Just found this gem on a Finnish friends page , don't think I'll try Finnish yet
Just found this gem on a Finnish friends page , don't think I'll try Finnish yet
Do you have spelling bees ?
Olga.Cygnel wrote:What is a spelling bee?
A spelling competition, usually between children.
Learning German every day!
16 perfect Finnish words you need in your life:
SISU = Determination, perseverance. It means Finnish people don’t give in, and as the saying goes, “go through even a grey rock”. Sisu is also the name of a popular candy that tastes like salmiakki, salty licorice.
ÄITIYSPAKKAUS = Finnish parents put their newborns in a cardboard “maternity box”. This useful Finnish invention that is usually used as the first bed for the baby has even gained attention abroad. The box is available for every expecting mum free of charge, and it includes necessary baby supplies.
(I got one :D )
KALSARIKÄNNIT = Getting drunk at home in your underwear with no intention of going out. You have probably heard of this, as it’s currently an international hot topic. So forget fancy party clothes and red carpets and do it like Finns do!
To read more: http://www.worddive.com/blog/16-perfect-finnish-words-you-need-in-your-life/