I found bug on Availability page, I mean there is bug around save option. You save and there is pop-up window like its not saved. I think its about Jscript code . Its small but anoying bug
Fixed - Teacher Schedule page warning
Could you take a screenshot of the error message please.
Erdjan wrote:http://prntscr.com/kq528j
I saved it down previously on save button but still get this message.
I'm not able to reproduce it. If I make a change and hit "save", I don't get the warning when I leave the page. If I don't make a change, I don't get the warning when I leave the page. If I make a change and don't hit "save", I get the warning message when I try to leave the page.
What's your device/OS?
Learning German every day!
Can you try to reproduce this? For example, could you click one time slot, hit save, then try to exit the page? As long as you hit save, you shouldn't get a warning, so I'm curious about what happens in your case.
Learning German every day!
Erdjan wrote:Now i get profile saved message. I tried even not saving just copying but getting profile saved message.
The copy button copies the previous week's schedule and saves the current week, so it's working as expected.
Learning German every day!