Here's my screencast the documents the issue:
Evan's recent posts
- Evan

I noticed that the "Welcome New Members" banner if floating over the content of the site. I'm not sure if this is by design, but it would really improve the look of the UI if you either a) Put this banner above the content and floated all the other content lower in the page or b) Made this floating banner a fixed width that didn't go edge to edge, and put it as a Ajax notification that made the rest of the page grayed out until this banner is dismissed.
- Evan
When I was negotiating a dispute, when the "student" requested a refund, and I manually typed in the amount that I didn't agree to refund, I had issues with the forms on this page. When I would click into the amount field, and tried to type 8.88, the active curser would always jump down below to the other form field. I could only accomplish the intended 8.88 amount by clicking in the form every single time for each character. I would be happy to do a video cast of this if you want to initiate a demo lesson and refund.
- Evan