Mizda.Biggles wrote:This site is too incomplete for development to move so slowly. Sorry, I can't use this software any longer.
Perfection and rush are enemies of languages learning.
Mizda.Biggles wrote:This site is too incomplete for development to move so slowly. Sorry, I can't use this software any longer.
Perfection and rush are enemies of languages learning.
That's how it works on my computer too.
Don't worry too much. It's not a speed test. Do it at your own pace. If you do it slowly you see the word longer it 's good for learning.
You can also increase the display of your browser (from 100% to more) that way the clickable target is wider and it becomes less likely to reach upper line.
Don't release the left click and swipe left to keep the useful part.
Maybe I should have opened this in "General" to talk about it.
Since we are here to learn through reading - they look quite different.
I'm afraid to mix both systems. Maybe that's a newbie syndrom.
I think it complicates the learning to have both together. It would also complicate any language if we could learn it here from both typewrited and handwrited texts or complicate math if we had 14 + 5 = 19 and XIX - XI = VIII in the same course.
I didn't expect to have it implemented before you have the time.
I didn't expect it to be that difficult.
Just open the new language (with the option to split or join words), then let people put their passages in the correct one. No need to automatically generate anything. Existing passages can be moved later or duplicate if by any chance they are valide in both systems.
I wonder if we shouldn't also have pinyin, romaji, hiragana, katakana, furigana languages? Maybe not each of the Japanese options. Or maybe a sandbox language to play in with any transliteration. If we see a text with no kanji in Japanese we know this passage has no kanji but if we see it in sandbox it's probably something created to learn hiragana or to help in learning the spoken Japanese.
But we do not handle the differences between other languages by tagging or appropriate passage naming.
Shouldn't Simplified and Traditional Chinese be separated into 2 languages?
For txt files ctrl a - ctrl c - ctrl v
Thank you.
Great job.
Either the word or phrase goes directly into the clipboard as soon as we click on the word or phrase in the text
or you add a button on the dictionary page/frame that we click to send the word or phrase into the clipboard
Then we can paste the word or phrase anywhere.
Maybe you could add a one click copy option - so we can easily use the word or phrase with any dictionary or web site.
French orthography, pronunciation and French people's temper.
How you learn is more important than when you learn.
Here are 2 Spanish video with subtitles in both Spanish and English.
If they are too fast - there is a slow motion option and the j key send you a few seconds back.
Watching a few times at faster pace will make normal pace sounds more easy.
Your Name - Kimi no Na wa
Mi Horrible Experiencia en el Sistema Educativo
You can say Bonsoir or Bonne soirée all night.
Bonne nuit comes when either you or the person you are talking to go to bed.
leosmith wrote:Michel wrote:Do you read a passage only once? Is there a way to make reading the same passage more than once - adds to our stats for each reading?
For total words read? We don't have a way of doing this right now, but a work-around would be to create a duplicate of the passage and mark it complete.
Yes, for total words read.
I was hoping to reuse the button "I've finished reading this passage".
Anyway - stats are not that important to me.
For sure not worth duplicate for each reading.
Ok thank you.
I will stick with not sharing.
My thought was if each time we watch the video here it makes one more view on youtube then let's share since it helps the owner.
Are youtube imported video read from youtube or from another server?
I don't see the link "read on youtube".
I think I can't share the videos if they don't stream from youtube.
Faye.Vitan wrote:So what is the difference between Bonne Soiree and Bonne Journee?
Don't say Bonne soirée before 1600 and say it only to people you will not see again that day.
You may also say Bonne soirée at any time to offer your best wish for a coming evening party.
Do you read a passage only once? Is there a way to make reading the same passage more than once - adds to our stats for each reading?
No smartphone, sorry.
leosmith wrote:Unfortunately that's a 3rd party tool that we don't know much about. Maybe try to message holaIsabel?
I think it's more a matter of operating system.
I don't know what to do with this js file.
On https://userstyles.org/ to click on "Install style as userscript" saves it on my computer, probably not it the right directory.
La nuit des temps - René Barjavel.
Les fourmis - Bernard Werber.
Destination brain - Isaac Asimov.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams.
Die Verwandlung - Franz Kafka.
Even in latin languages countries - nobody but a few biologists use or know the latin names of living beings.
Many of the indigenous names are not unique. Take for example this root called witloof in Dutch, endive in France and chicon in French speaking Belgium. I'm sure there are many such examples around the world.
Another point is those indigenous languages have their own scripts, should biologists know all the scripts?
So they learn Breton, next step is losing French and then war because they can't communicate with neighbours.
Very interesting. Thank you for the links.
I will probably never learn one of those endangered languages.
J'ai arrêté mon abonnement Netflix hier. J'ai enregistré des tas de bandes son et téléchargé des tas de sous-titres. Je suis sans service de streaming pour l'instant. Je vais peut-être prendre quelques mois de Disney plus. Ils viennent d'ouvrir le service ici en Belgique il y a quelques semaines mais ce sera pour plus tard.
Avec Netflix, il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau à regarder. J'ai arrêté mon abonnement pour travailler sur ce que j'ai enregistré. J'ai besoin d'écouter et de lire plusieurs fois la même chose.
Mon programme : anglais, néerlandais, espagnol, allemand, japonais et mandarin.
Pour mon premier jour sans Netflix j'ai écouté 2 épisodes de Terrace House en faisant autre chose en même temps.
Meteor Garden
Well-intended love
Green door (Taiwan)
De 12
Tabula Rasa
Durante la tormenta
The name itself is not important. The best name is useless if unknown.
I don't remember how I came here the first time but I'm sure I didn't google for it.
leosmith wrote:Forest of Piano is really good (Japanese anime).
The movie or the serie? The anime serie is on Netflix Belgium. The anime movie has been broadcasted on tv a while ago but I didn't watch it .
Kimi no na wa, Love Exposure, I want to eat your pancreas (the anime), Tampopo.
Maybe I'll come back to Netflix to watch La Casa de Papel s3 and next ; The 100 s6 and next ; The End of this Fucking World s2 ; The Forest of Love and some Star Trek series - but Netflix is very short in languages. At best their shows come with 4 languages because I am lucky enough to have 3 official languages here in Belgium. I remember Train to Busan had only vo and Dutch subtitles. You can listen to some shows on Primevideo in 12 different languages and read subtitles in more than 20.
I don't use the paid functions but thank you for the free account.
My thoughts.
People should be able to test the system for free.
An option to freeze payment and account would be great (once a year or for the number of months you paid in the last 12 months).
I don't like the idea to pay forever. Maybe an option to purchase an unlimited account after 50 paid months or something.
Good luck.
leosmith wrote:Wadada?
I listen to 50 minutes of your music this morning, out of 3 youtube video. There is a very short passage less than 10 seconds at 26'14" that I love in a 35' duo with Vijay Lyer, a 2015 recording at The Stone. I didn't like Four Symphonies, 2017 performance at The Lab. The piano is ok but nothing more and the synthe got on my nerves at best. I'll give another chance to Four Symphonies. The third video was another duo with Vijay Lyer, 6' Passages. When I think about trumpet the first things that come to my mind are Aida, Maurice André and the guy who walked on the Moon and won the Tour de France. Thank you for sharing. Sorry I didn't know about you.
leosmith wrote:Wadada?
I was talking to John Williams but I will read your page(s) tomorrow.
Luck! (By the way, I love your music).
There are a few shows on primevideo with Turkish dubbing and subtitles.
Tv series, movies, soundtracks and subtitles do you use them to learn languages ? If so, what do you recommend ? What shows, episodes or even what scenes ? Where do you watch it and why do you recommend it ?
Do you want word for word transcriptions or perfect grammar ?
On a trouvé le remède contre le réchauffement climatique.
Curing the disease by killing the patients.
J'aime ce Monde calme et déserté.
Je me demande si je ne devrais pas changer mes priorités. Est-ce que cela a encore du sens d'étudier des langues étrangères ? Ne devrais-je pas étudier d'autres choses, la médecine, le survivalisme, la mécanique, l'agriculure, ... ? Ne devrais-je pas changer de langue ? L'anglais sera-t-il toujours la lingua franca après cela ?
I made playlists on my Youtube account where you can listen to songs other youtubers uploaded.
80's French songs.
70's Michel Sardou - French songs.
Covers or versions of French (but 1 or 2) songs in Russian.
Japanese songs
Songs in languages of the Eurovision song contest (14 so far)
Click Michel then Playlist to watch my other playlists Movie trailers, reviews or clips, Swiss and Japanese trains. Everything uploaded by other youtubers.
I don't know how I could tell the main youtube topic in Belgium.
Yesterday I made a few public playlists with thing I like.
The first one is a list of french songs I made for a felmale French student who said she likes 80's music.
Next some Japanese songs.
Next trailers of my favorite movies.
A list of songs in European languages.
I will probably make other playlists in the future.
Maybe try these 2 apps: memrise and lingvist. I used them on my computer for free.
Memrise courses by memrise have audio and are free (they also have courses by other users).
Lingvist is free only for 14 days and works by lot of 50 cards, don't hesitate to do more if you have the time and energy,
That should help with "see everyday phrases".
Read texts with audio. No need to do it everyday but try to do it as often as possible.
Do you like cartoons ? I recommend watching something you like. Whatever it is watch and rewatch it many times with and without subtitles (one time Portuguese then English or no subtitles). Listen without the pictures if there is no dialogue for too long you should probably watch other shows or other episodes.
Don't speak to natives. Listen to youtubers, to podcasts. Read texts with no audio.
J'ai tout arrêté sauf duolingo dont c'est mon trente-septième jour ce vendredi (aujourd'hui).
J'ai trouvé quelques livres, ebooks en plusieurs langues. J'ai lu le premier chapitre de The Master and Margarita en français et en anglais. J'aime beaucoup mais le livre est un peu long pour moi pour l'instant, particulièrement en anglais. Si je commence à le lire sérieusement je n'aurai plus de temps pour d'autres choses. J'ai commencé à lire les dialogues de séries - le pilote de Friends et j'ai des tas de séries à lire mais la qualité semble très variable. J'ai regardé la première saison de Mr Robot en vo st anglais, pas mal mais j'ai arrêté la deuxième saison. J'ai aussi regardé quelques films, toujours en vo et sous-titres anglais (je n'ai pas besoin des sous-titres mais je les mets pour l'exercice de lecture) The Sum of all Fears, Hanna (dont j'avais regardé la série il y a quelques mois), The Aeronauts. Je regarde aussi Star Trek Picard, le troisième épisode vient de sortir. En français, j'ai revu L'Auberge Espagnole. La nuit dernière a été de longueur normale, un peu moins de huit heures mais les deux précédentes j'ai dormi plus de onze heures - 2019 a été très fatigante. Peut-être que je vais me remettre au néerlandais ou rester encore un peu exclusivement sur l'anglais. Je vais probablement encore beaucoup dormir. On a rapatrié quelques personnes de Chine dont un malade qu'on a déplacé d'un hôpital à l'autre - ils ne semblent pas comprendre le sens du mot QUARANTAINE. La grippe normale est au sommet de sa contagion en ce moment. Dans un troisième hôpital une bactérie résistante a déjà tué plusieurs personnes.
What they call "une baguette" in France - in Belgium we call it "un pain français" (a french bread).
So when I was in France I asked for "un pain français" and got the answer :
Here all our breads are French - sir.
Also I had a hard time to understand things like he actually did it yesterday since "actuellement" means currently.
I think PhD is only needed to be a physician or to work in an university.
South Korea
next E
5. Laden (shop, store - German)
How do we save phrases, sentences ? I can select one, listen to it, read it and its translation - but can't change status. Selecting a second one unselect the first one.
Maybe tearful, tearfulness and tearfully are less Portuguese.
What about "to get" in stead of "to become" ?
J'ai bien travaillé depuis mon message précédent. Surtout l'anglais, presque pas le néerlandais. Je n'ai pas raté un seul jour. J'utilise actuellement memrise, duolingo, learn with oliver, lingvist, quizlet. Mon activité la plus rentable est d'écouter et de lire des phrases. J'utilise uniquement les versions gratuites et sur ordinateur. Certaines de ces applications n'offrent pas le néerlandais, d'autres ne sont gratuites que pendant quelques jours. Je vais probablement essayer aussi glossika et clozemaster. Je dois aussi trouver des trucs à lire - peut-être pour les utiliser ici mais je n'aime pas lingq et je n'ai jamais utilisé LWT. Je pense que mes idées sont un peu mélangées, désolé.
Why don't you use "eyes became full of tears" or "tears came/were coming to his/her eyes" ?
I think we need more context to help. Do you want to express the action of tears coming or the feeling that caused it ?
Typo dans mon message précédent. Ce n'est pas Vindaland mais Vinland Saga.
Sur memrise.com
Comme prévu j'ai terminé Dutch 1 et 2. Je n'ai pas encore commencé dutch 3. J'ai simplement relu tous les mots et phrases de Dutch 1 et 2, une fois samedi et une fois aujourd'hui (dimanche).
J'ai aussi fait un tableau de tous les mots et phrases de dutch 1, 2 et 3 que je pourrai utiliser dans anki ou quizlet.com par exemple.
J'ai continué English US 2 - terminé à 70%.
Ces 2 ou 3 derniers mois j'ai eu l'occasion d'essayer plusieurs sites pour apprendre des langues étrangères. En tout j'ai dépensé moins de deux euros sur dutchpod101.com et germanpod101.com. J'avais prévu de payer 24 ou 36 euros sur mosalingua.com mais j'ai renoncé avant la fin de mes 15 jours d'essai.
J'ai découvert quizlet.com que j'utiliserai probablement dans l'avenir et memrise.com que j'utilise depuis moins de 2 semaines, dans sa version gratuite sur ordinateur. J'utilise seulement des cours de Memrise qui ont l'audio contrairement aux autres cours.
J'ai commencé par Dutch 1 et suis maintenant au bout de Dutch 2. Etre au bout signifie que j'ai réussi tous les tests au moins une première fois, il me manque encore 6 mots sur 335. J'aurai besoin de révisions pour imprimer tout cela dans ma mémoire à long terme et assurer une bonne fluidité. Au total Dutch 1 + Dutch 2 c'est 536 mots. Les "mots" sont souvent des phrases ou des parties de phrases.
La langue de base de ces Dutch cours est l'anglais UK.
J'ai aussi commencé Anglais US dont la langue de base est le français. Ici je n'ai pratiquement rien révisé. Je me contente d'ajouter des nouveaux mots et de réussir les tests. Je n'ai pas appris grand chose de nouveau mais je suis quand même en train d'améliorer mon anglais. J'ai fini le niveau 1 (234 mots ou phrases). J'ai commencé le niveau 2 hier et je dois encore travaillé aujourd'hui. J'en suis actuellement à 34 mots ou phrases sur 400 pour ce deuxième niveau.
Ce soir je regarde le dernier épisode de Food Wars en japonais sous-titré en anglais, sur mon site pirate préféré. Dimanche soir c'est le dernier épisode de la première saison de Vindaland sur primevideo.com, également du japonais sous-titré en anglais. D'autres sous-titres sont ajoutés plus tard.
Ces derniers jours j'ai regardé 3 épisodes de NCIS saison 9 en anglais sous-titrés en anglais (cc) sur primevideo.com et pas mal de youtube en plusieurs langues.
Merci de m'avoir lu.
Also : repartisje should be repartis-je
typo moimême should be moi-même