Has anybody tried using this site? I've seen some great reviews about it.
ikaymoreno's recent topics
Who else is stuck climbing Conversation Ridge? :D
This strip was made for English but I think it applies to all langauges. :)
We play a lot of card games at home. This looks interesting.
I'm a bit disheartened that Korean is in group 4. T__T
The US Foreign Service Institute (FSI) divides languages into four tiers of difficulty for native English speakers to learn. Group 1, the easiest of the bunch, includes French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish and Swahili. According to FSI research, it takes around 480 hours of practice to reach basic fluency in all Group 1 languages.
The difficulty begins to spike as we move down the list. It takes 720 hours to achieve the same level of fluency in Group 2 languages, which include Bulgarian, Burmese, Greek, Hindi, Persian and Urdu. More difficult are Amharic, Cambodian, Czech, Finnish and Hebrew, which places them in in Group 3. Group 4 is comprised of some of the most challenging languages for English speakers to grasp: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
I found my old French workbooks so I'm gonna try learnign French again. :) This video is a fun way to help my tongue get used to French phonemes.
This article lists some pretty good tips. This tip is my favorite.
Spend most of your time in the language, not learning about the language. We acquire languages at a subconscious level when we get sufficient input and practice.
Shout out to dragonsky for finding this! He also has one for Korean alphabet which I'm linking here. :)
I've seen "Anki" mentioned several times here and I didn't know it was a deck/flashcard program. How helpful is it to expanding one's vocab? I think Duolingo also has a flashcard app but I haven't tried it yet.
Came across this and it's a pretty good list. :) Hope it helps you!
I came across this and wondered if it's true. I like how the Cyrillic alphabet looks and it'd be cool if Ican at least read it. :)
This is pretty interesting. I've always known that there were a lot of Chinese speakers but I didn't know Russian was this widely spoken too.
I saw this and just had to buy it! Maybe I'll try learning Japanese next. :D
I love how this video gives an insight into how the alphabet was created and stuff.
Has anyone tried using this site? It looks pretty interesting and it was recommended by a friend. It's limited to US and Canada though which sucks for me.
To fellow learners looking for audiobooks they can listen to while travelling or doing other things around the house. :)
I use a similar service (Grab) a lot and almost all of the drivers talk about how they're making more than they would've if they were driving a cab or if they had a minimum wage paying job. I wonder how legislation like this will spread and how it'll affect the service.
I'm gonna play this on loop. This better work. Hahahahahaha!
It has been sooooo long since I've done sentence diagramming. We did this in elementary school for English. Is it used to learn other languages too?
I hope other Filipinos learning Korean find this useful! :)
This made me LOL. Some people watch Game of Thrones *waaay* too much. :P
This is a pretty good TedTalk. :) And yes, a deeper understanding of another language does allow us to connect to the people speaking that language better. :)
This just sucks. I generally trust most apps from Google Store thinking they'd filter stuff like this. Sigh. I sometimes get into moods of trying a bunch of different apps when I have nothing to do so I'm glad I dodged this one.
Just saw this online and thought this ought to stop people from pirating. That and it's bound to hurt streaming services. The ads might suck but if you're willing to pay for YouTube subscription, even that's solved.
I currently have Netflix and have no plans of paying for YouTube Red. This might change my mind though. :)
Link: https://www.techradar.com/news/youtube-has-started-adding-free-ad-supported-movies
This is a challenge for me. I've been speaking English for more than a decade and when I speak English, I still don't sound American. Some people have difficulty pinpointing where I'm from but I still don't sound like a native speaker. And I speak English more than 10 hours a day -- even at home.
When I tried learning French, this was my struggle too. I had a trainee who was French and when she heard me speaking French, she said that I was understandable but it was clear I'm a non-native.
Acquiring the "native" accent is not a requirement to being understood but I want to be able to do so so that when I need to sound like a native speaker, I can do it.
How'd you guys do it? Any tips?
So I've been looking for a site I can use to help me learn Korean faster. I already have Duolingo and Lingodeer on my phone but i wanted variety. This site is promising but I kind of hate that they have Romanji at the start. have you guys used this site? If yes, did you find it effective?
What are your favorite books to movies adaptations? Here are some of mine.
1. Harry Potter Series: I think towards the end, the tone of the movies were so different from the books but to this day, I love both mediums.
2. Never Let Me Go: I've always wanted to read the book but felt that it was one of those books that are a bit too smart for me. Seeing this beautiful film finally made me read it. Just...amazing.
3. Game of Thrones: This isn't exactly a movie but wow. What an adaptation. :) I can't not include it.
I thought I'd create a thread for everyone who's currently learning Korean. We don't have a member who's a native speaker but maybe we can help each other learn. :) Learning is more fun when it's done with other people. We can also share resources or even just encourage each other to learn something new everyday.
To start, let's get to know each other better. :)
Me as a learner: I'm at A1- Beginner. I can read and write in Hangul. I know about 30 words. A gist of how grammar and sentence construction works.
Me as a source of learning: I'm a Learning Consultant so I have tons of resource materials on just about anything. That and I love helping people learn.
Note: I created this thread because it's hard to catch people on chat. This way, we can post practice sheets, video links, tips, and whatnot and they're all in one place. :)
How exactly do we "log" our learning? Is this more like a free form essay talking about what we learned today or this week? Or are there milestones we should be citing?
The name if the person is clickable and leads to that person's profile. The name of the person who corrected the essay is not.
Someone responded to a comment I made on an essay but I didn't get a notification. Is this a bug or we really don't?
The price column doesn't line up.
For some it is, for some posts it's not.
Hello! What do you guys use when you have to type using special characters? I'm trying to learn Korean but I don't know how I'm supposed to type the Hangul characters.
Hi! I just noticed that the replies don't appear under the message of the person I'm replying to.
Is there a way to just see my friends list?
Hi! The text box when adding long comments doesn't expand as you type and this can make it difficult to go back and proofread what you've written. :)
I checked the FAQ but wanted to make sure so I'm creating this post.
Are there lessons available if you're a free user?
You might want to add a text box so we can specify why we're reporting a post. :)
I've been trying to master a third language for almost 10 years now but because of work, school, kids, and life in general, I've been unable to do so. I did get to try a bunch of online resources though that were just amazing. Here are some in case you're trying to learn these languages:
http://talktomeinkorean.com/ - Free
https://www.learn-korean.net/# - Free
http://oli.cmu.edu/courses/all-oli-courses/french-i-course-details - Used to be free, now only the sample is
http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/ - Free
I also tried a lot of audiobooks and found Michel Thomas to be the best for both French and Spanish.
What are the best sites you've tried and for what language?
Hi! I'm from the Philippines. :) I speak two languages fluently -- English and Tagalog. I used to teach ESL to Koreans so I can read and write in Hangul. I also tried learning French and failed miserably. :)