Partially fixed - Request: Ability to group inflections together under a main term (lemma or canonical or dictionary form)

Posts54Likes59Joined4/9/2019LocationCórdoba / AR
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This way several words could be grouped under one base form. It would help with statistics, SRS card creation, and organization. Taking German as an example it could be implemented in the following cases:

Declension of nouns, plurals, adjectives and determiners:

  • Buch, Buchs -> Buch (book)
  • Bücher, Büchern -> Bücher (books)
  • gut, gute, guter, guten, gutem, gutes -> gut (good)
  • mein, meine, meinen, meinem, meiner, meines -> mein (my)

Verb conjugations

  • spiele, spielst, spielt, spielen, gespielt, spielte, spieltest, spielten, etc -> spielen (play) 

Additionally a comment field could be added so that we could input information about each variation (case, tense, grammatical person, etc.). For example: spielt (play, präsens 3. pers. sing.).

If the user was allowed to add all variations in one go, or if declension and verb tables were already loaded beforehand the new text statistics would be much more accurate.

Posts1702Likes1128Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
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I like your suggestion but I think it would be quite difficult to implement. The LT known word count definitely isn't 'headwords' or 'word families' as you indicate, but I don't see a way around this. I'll pass this along to support but I think we are stuck because we use an existing dictionary (google translate).

Learning Italian every day!

Posts54Likes59Joined4/9/2019LocationCórdoba / AR
Learning French, German
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Hey leo! Thanks for taking this into consideration. I figured it would be a long shot, but I think it would make all the difference in the world. My impression is that the value behind systems like yours, LWT or LingQ lies in being able to select texts that have a reasonable amount of new words in them so that you don’t get overwhelmed. In that sense, grouping word families together would provide much more transparent stats. In turn, that would give people a much more realistic estimate of the amount of words they know, thus avoiding false expectations due to inflated numbers. Anyway, that’s just my two cents!

Posts1702Likes1128Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
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Hi Marco, we talked about this and think we came up with a partial solution, but I wanted to get your feedback. What if we have a link button on the rh side of the screen, maybe near the bookmark button, that allows you to link those words. The number of words in the stats would be reduced appropriately. Regarding having a collective definition which shows all forms, I'm not sure that's possible. But you can add anything you want as a note to 'add new translation', maybe notes of the type 'this is X form of word Y'. These might be bulky for fly-over; we used to have a 'note' button but we deactivated it because nobody used it. Thoughts?

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Posts54Likes59Joined4/9/2019LocationCórdoba / AR
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Hey leo. That sounds awesome! I think it would be a real game changer. By doing that you would fix the skewed stats for known vocabulary and new texts. Nevertheless, I would highlight the importance of letting the user add term variations manually in that dialogue, as opposed to just selecting terms that he/she has already come across previously. That would allow for people to tackle the whole word family in one go if they wanted to, not having to wait until they find the additional variations in future texts. Does that make sense? It would also be great to have some way of highlighting the base form of the term family in that list so that it stays on top. 

I think bringing back the note functionality you mentioned would be greatly appreciated by detail-oriented users like myself. That would indeed improve the whole experience. So if I understand correctly, the fly-over translations would remain as they are (showing the closest translation only, not the canonical form nor the notes) as to avoid cluttering, but the term window would display the term family with its respective notes for each variation. Is that right?

Posts1702Likes1128Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
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Fyi - this is still in work. I'll ask you to check it out when it's done.

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Posts1702Likes1128Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
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The stats wound up being more difficult than we initially thought, so you are now able to link words but stats aren't modified. 

Learning Italian every day!
