Not Able to do - Request: Ability to join separable verbs in German

Posts54Likes59Joined4/9/2019LocationCórdoba / AR
Learning French, German
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In German there is a category of verbs called trennbare Verben (separable verbs), which are somewhat akin to English phrasal verbs and are mostly formed by a verb plus a preposition. The difference is that, unlike their English counterparts, German separable verbs are not always separated. Their infinitive and participial forms are always a single word. For example, the verb aufhören (stop/quit) is formed by the verb hören (hear/listen) plus the preposition auf (on), and its participle is aufgehört. Here is a comparison between the conjugated forms of the base verb and the separable verb:

Hör mich! = listen to me!

Hör damit auf! = stop it!

As you can see, the preposition goes at the end. And it can get even worse:

Hör mit dem Lügen auf! = Stop with the lies!

Hör mit diesem verdammten Getrommel gegen die Wand auf! = Stop that damn banging on the wall!

I understand it would be almost impossible to automatically detect if the preposition is working together with the verb or not. But it would be awesome if you could allow users to link those two words manually on a case-by-case basis. That would avoid having incorrect examples being linked to the base verb and it would help people reading public texts which have already been annotated by someone.

Posts1726Likes1136Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
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I'm hoping this can be taken care of in the same fix we're talking about here.

Learning German every day!

Posts54Likes59Joined4/9/2019LocationCórdoba / AR
Learning French, German
Other English

Hey, leo! Yes, that would partially take care of the problem. Although I think it would be great if the user had the possibility to link the preposition to the verb manually (on a case-by-base basis) going from this:

To this:

The term window could then also reflect the change (‘hole’ -> ‘hole ab’) so that we could deal with ‘hole ab’ as a single term and group it with the abholen family as suggested in the other thread. What do you think? 

I understand this won’t fix recognition in future texts, because there’s no way to have the system detect these combinations automatically. But it does help comprehension when reading this for a second time, or for future readers. Besides it would also avoid having the sentence saved as an example for the wrong verb (holen) and link it to the right verb (abholen).

Posts1726Likes1136Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
Learning Italian
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Unfortunately we can't do this one; just too difficult/costly.

Learning German every day!
