The video has been marked as "Private" so I can't watch it.
The video has been marked as "Private" so I can't watch it.
I went directly to the url (, and it was private from where I am, so I shouldn't be able to load the video/text into the reading tool. This is expected behavior.
Are you saying that you can watch the video from where you are, but you can't load it in the reading tool?
Learning German every day!
Sorry for the late reply. I checked again just now and I still can't watch it, either on Youtube or in the Reading Tool (please see attached screenshots). It may be a regional thing.
Animefangirl wrote:I still can't watch it, either on Youtube or in the Reading Tool
Oh, I didn't realize this was created by an OPLingo content creator; I thought it was just a normal member. My guess is that it got toggled to private after he imported it. I can't modify it; it's only good for reading now.
Learning German every day!