This resource lists the colors in just about every language in one handy easy to access chart which I think is pretty cool. I am attaching a screenshot

This resource lists the colors in just about every language in one handy easy to access chart which I think is pretty cool. I am attaching a screenshot
Cool. Do you have a link to the whole thing?
Learning German every day!
Oh Man! I totally meant to share the link... my bad!
Omniglot also has a well organized list of useful phrases in multiple languages and I actually got my self a job abroad using this and a few other resources In Egypt where I blagged on my resume I could speak 6 languages ( having family in the area I knew the key customer demographic and the manager said wow those languages are our top 6 clients worldwide) I passed my interview with 3 people present to interview me in the languages and I worked out there for a long time getting by on the chit chat I picked up and key phrases all hotel and customer related/ directional etc
Also the idioms section is good fun