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Community Activities
- leosmith locked the topic fixed - Typo nit - Reading Tool for Cantonese
- leosmith renamed the topic Typo nit - Reading Tool for Cantonese to fixed - Typo nit - Reading Tool for Cantonese
- zKing created a new topic Typo nit - Reading Tool for Cantonese
- zKing wrote a reply to Reading tool - Characters that should not be words list
- leosmith locked the topic fixed - BUG: Audio Download missing file extension
- leosmith renamed the topic BUG: Audio Download missing file extension to fixed - BUG: Audio Download missing file extension
- zKing wrote a reply to BUG: Audio Download missing file extension
- zKing wrote a reply to Reading tool - Characters that should not be words list
- leosmith locked the topic not done - Feature Request: Add YouTube link on EDIT Passage
- leosmith renamed the topic Feature Request: Add YouTube link on EDIT Passage to not done - Feature Request: Add YouTube link on EDIT Passage
- zKing wrote a reply to BUG: Audio Download missing file extension
- zKing wrote a reply to Feature Request: Add YouTube link on EDIT Passage
- zKing has shared the passage 「廣東話講西洋書法」字得其樂 The ABC of Western Calligraphy 簡介入門
- zKing created a new topic Feature Request: Add YouTube link on EDIT Passage
- zKing wrote a reply to Reading tool - Characters that should not be words list
- zKing created a new topic BUG: Audio Download missing file extension
- zKing has shared the passage [窮L遊記·澳門篇] #08 Brasserie 巴黎人法式餐廳|法式high tea!人均唔駛$150!
- zKing has shared the passage John Wick 教打槍 [6mm生活雜誌 6mm Life Magazine - 第四期 Vol.4 ]
- zKing has shared the passage [廣東話Game評] 鼓勵思考的遊戲!簡評《底特律:變人》Detroit: Become Human Quick Review — 垃圾驚批鬥座 第五集
- zKing created a new topic fixed - Feedback: Sign In cookie expiration seems really short
- zKing wrote a reply to Feedback: Sign In cookie expiration seems really short
- zKing created a new topic fixed - Reader Bug: Mangled Text after joins with long passage
- zKing created a new topic fixed - Cantonese Reader Bug: text with spaces or rare Chinese characters won't save
- zKing created a new topic fixed - Reader Bug (Cantonese): numbers with commas in them are showing as unknown words
- zKing wrote a reply to Using the memory palace technique to remember anything
- zKing wrote a reply to Reader Bug: Mangled Text after joins with long passage
- zKing wrote a reply to Reader Bug (Cantonese): numbers with commas in them are showing as unknown words
- zKing wrote a reply to Cantonese Reader Bug: text with spaces or rare Chinese characters won't save
- zKing wrote a reply to Cantonese Reader Bug: text with spaces or rare Chinese characters won't save
- zKing wrote a reply to Cantonese Reader Bug: text with spaces or rare Chinese characters won't save
- zKing wrote a reply to Feedback: Sign In cookie expiration seems really short
- zKing wrote a reply to Reader Bug (Cantonese): numbers with commas in them are showing as unknown words
- zKing wrote a reply to Reader Bug (Cantonese): numbers with commas in them are showing as unknown words
- zKing wrote a reply to Using the memory palace technique to remember anything
- zKing wrote a reply to Using the memory palace technique to remember anything
- zKing wrote a reply to Using the memory palace technique to remember anything
- zKing wrote a reply to How do you build a language learning routine?
- zKing wrote a reply to What's the biggest language learning obstacle for you?
- zKing wrote a reply to Reader Bug (Cantonese): numbers with commas in them are showing as unknown words
- zKing wrote a reply to Cantonese Reader Bug: text with spaces or rare Chinese characters won't save