I was working with a longer Cantonese passage and after doing numerous joins, at some point right after doing a join, the text became slightly mangled such that some of the text was duplicated and the highlighting was over two words/phrases at the same time (see attached pic and original text below).
If I click around, it would highlight two words/phrases where ever I click.
If I exit the passage, the stats then show the passage as having 0 words. If I go into the passage it will have no text and the stats show 0 words.
If I then EDIT the passage, the original text is in the edit form in its original state.
If I trivially alter the text in the edit form (add a new line) and Save, the passage will be "fixed", but I lose all of my joins/splits and have to start over.
This has happened a couple of times in the same passage, but it doesn't happen in the same place in the text. Sometimes it happens quickly, other times it takes quite a while to repro.
To hopefully help with finding/fixing the bug, I've now made a copy of the passage and repro'd the bug and left that passage in the broken state.
It is named "Test Long Passage".
The screenshot is right after I joined the highlighted word 兼且 and the bug appeared, you can see the duplication there and for the lines below it.
Thanks for listening!
Here is the original text to compare with the screen shot: