Hello to anyone who may happen to be reading this. I'm Joe, 38, and originally from the USA. I've been living the Philippines for 7+ years now. While I have been picking up Tagalog by osmosis here and there, I recently decided to to put in the effort to truly learn the language of my adopted home.
My plan is to journal here about my progress, set backs, frustrations, etc. I don't actually expect any one to read this but you are welcome to. This is something I'm doing for myself to help keep me moving forward. I hope that is OK. However I do invite anyone to join in on this thread at any time and would appreciate the feedback. I apologize in advance for any boredom I may cause you when reading this though.
In my next post I will try to detail where I've been and where I'm at and my plan to move forward. I just wanted to get this log started once and for all.