Popover dictionary on iOS

Learning Chinese - Cantonese


This may be an issue for all touchscreen devices using languagecrush through a browser, Im not sure.

I sometimes read on my iPad and find it quite frustrating that whenever I tap on a symbol (I study Cantonese) to get its definition, there is no way to to get the popup definition away unless I tap on another symbol somewhere in the text. In the end, having once activated the popover dictionary and there is a definition on the screen - there is always one. What makes this so, sorry if Im being rude, annoying is that the definition often obstructs parts of the text Im reading and have to intentionally tap on a symbol somewhere else to get its definition, only to be able to read the sentence Im at.

Do you think it would be possible to make it so that tappin on a blank space on the screen makes the popover definition disappear? Or by tapping on the definition itself it goes away? I hope I managed to explain well enough the issue at hand. If not - hopefully the attached video will help better describe the situation.

Thank you!

Posts1726Likes1136Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
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fyi - we are discussing this

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