Or which ones, and which do you currently speak (may include mother tongue)
What is the language you dreamt of learning as a kid?
Japanese, because of anime =)
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
I like Japanese as well because of anime. No other reasons. Haha
Qenya (elvish)... What can I say? I'm a geek
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Bonjour Madame, Monsieur!
Same here, japanese language.
Love your options! I tried to learn japanese once too, inspired by video games in my case.
I had never heard if it, will look it up
Japanese and Korean because of anime and K-pop lol
Korean pop music :)
Does sign language count. I wanted to learn sign language too! :)
Japanese - because I find the English translations sometimes odd and hard to understand :P
Russian - neighbor language with a lot of common history and def interesting things to share, once you understand them (achieved) :)
I've always wanted to learn sign language and braille too! I'd say it countsKhadijah.Davis wrote:Does sign language count. I wanted to learn sign language too! :)