According to a few articles I was just reading and what I myself concluded, there are types of language learners and many have tried categorising them/us! We can be categorised according to our personal interests, what motivates one from another, and the pace and dedication each one of us undertakes when learning a new language. I liked this categorisation, although there are many personal and/or biased, yet founded viewpoints and categorisations out there! This one divides us into 6 categories (https://www.linguacore.com/blog/6-types-of-language-learner-1/ ):
1. Language Enthusiast
2. Language Learner
3. Bilingual also Monolingual, Trilingual, Quadrilingual, etc.)
4. Linguist
5. Polyglot
6. Hyperpolyglot
A language enthusiast is someone who apparently loves (learning) languages, but is not necessarily a language learner! It means he/she can have a very basic knowledge of multiple languages, count to ten, have basic vocabulary, eager to learn, but have not or is not necessarily learning those languages. I fall into that category often! It gives an allegory of sport fans who don't necessarily need to be sports people. This is a categorisation based on one's motivations and skills.
There is also a division into auditory, visual and/or kinetic learners -
I find it also valuable and trustworthy.
And in this third article, I find the writer dividing them into personalities more than into languages learners, but that's just my viewpoint:
What do you think? Which category do you fall into? And what categorisation do you find more reliable and support more?